doppo| smoke and mirrors

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"Everyone, this is [L/N] [F/N]-san, our new employee. Please, treat her with kindness"

Just a mere presentation and a good look at your beautiful facial features was all it took to catch the idealist's attention.

"U-ummm... I-I'm [L/N] [Y-Y/N]. I'm 20 years o-old a-and I don't h-have an ability" you spoke in a quiet voice

Everyone stopped talking, breathing or even blinking to hear what you were muttering.

"My name is Kunikida Doppo. It will be a pleasure to work with you, [L/N]-san" a tall, blonde male with his hair secured in a low ponytail said as he was now in front of you, having a small smile plastered on his face which seemed to calm you down a bit

"P-pleasure's all mine, Kunikida-san" you said as you smiled brightly, the idealist feeling how his face was slightly burning

"C-cute!" Everyone muttered

"Such an ephemeral being. Just like an angel"

You looked in front of you and saw a brown haired male, kneeling down on the floor as he took your hand in his and you felt your face burning in embarrassment.

"Say, [Y/N]-chan, are you, perhaps, a fallen angel, sent to take me to heaven?"


"Ahh~ What did I do to deserve to be taken to heaven by such a beautiful angel?" The man continued as you wanted to literally run away from there

You just wanted a job and you got it. You wanted to start the day in a normal way, but you didn't get it.

"[Y/N]-chan, would you commit a double suici--"

And the man went flying in the closed door of the office, making you flinch.

You looked at Kunikida who composed himself as he pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"Don't say stuff like this in front of the new employee, Dazai!" Kunikida yelled as you were nervously sweating before he turned to look at you. "I apologise for his childish demeanor, [L/N]-san. Please, do not think of the Agency as a place for strange people because a certain someone doesn't know what manners are"

"It's alright" you giggled, bringing a smile to his face. "I think it was funny"

"What was funny? Dazai-san's proposal or the way Kunikida-san punched him?" Atsushi whispered to Kyouka as she just shrugged

You started laughing when you heard Atsushi.

That smile and that laugh... God, he liked them, no matter what.

Your amazing personality... Your amazing way of getting along with everyone... Your amazing way of making him smile... Your amazing way of treating him with kindness, just like he deserves...

It felt too good to be true...

You were too good to be true...

You filled every single ideal on his ideal partner list.

His ideals were literally shaking in their boots every time you were around or talked to him, your smile sending them to the outer space.


So why?

Why did you have to ruin this?

Why did you have to wake him up from this sweet little dream of his and make him watch... This?

Alter-ego//Bungou Stray Dogs x Reader One Shots Where stories live. Discover now