A normal past. One would think...

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"Izuku, honey it's time to wake up." Inko said, gently shaking the small four year old.

He didn't respond.

"Izuku?" This wasn't like him. "Izuku wake up." 

He was definitely breathing. She could see his tiny chest rising and falling in a perfect rhythm, so why wasn't he waking?

"Izuku, wake up!" He was starting to worry her. 

Izuku's eyes slid, slowly open, and he looked up at his mother. At first his eyes were emotionless, then confusion furrowed his tiny brow,

"Mama? What's wrong?"

Inko was overjoyed to hear his sweet little voice, and wrapped him in a hug,

"N-nothing dear. Everything is fine."

Izuku returned his mother's hug, a gentle smile replacing his confusion. 

After a few minutes, Inko pulled away and smiled at the small boy,

"Why don't you get dressed, while I go make breakfast."


Inko ruffled his hair as he cheered, getting to her feet and leaving him alone in his room.

As soon as her footsteps had faded away, Izuku let his arms fall back to his sides, the smile melting away. He looked down at his small hands, he was quirkless. He had been adjusting to that fact for a couple of weeks. But, just because he was quirkless didn't mean that he couldn't be a hero. It didn't matter what Kacchan says, he could, no. He Would become a hero. A hero that saves everyone with a smile.

That day, as with most days, Izuku come home covered in minor cuts and bruises. 

"Why are you always hurt when you come home?" Inko asked, worried for her son.

"I guess I'm just that clumsy." Izuku said, a soft blush complimenting his freckle,

"Hhhmmmm." Inko wasn't completely convinced, "Well, let's get you cleaned up."

Izuku smiled sweetly, as his mother scooped him up. As they headed for the bathroom, Izuku rested his head on Inko's shoulder, feeling sleepy.

After dinner, Izuku went to bed, his insides felt like burning snakes were coiling around his intestines. But he laid down on his back, unmoving, staring up at the ceiling, thinking. 

Had that boy really deserved it?

Had HE ever deserved it?

What had he done, to warrant getting beat half to death by Kacchan's so called 'friends'?

He had been born quirkless. That's what they told him. The quirkless were weak and pathetic. UseLEsS.

But if he was so useless, then why had they fled so quickly? 

Why, had that boy been so easy to beat?

'He was more useless then I am.' Izuku thought, subconsciously running his tongue across his teeth.

That stuff had been delicious, though. Izuku wondered what it was. It had been a soft, lilac color. But his teacher said that blood was red, and Izuku's blood was red. Did people with quirks bleed differently then ones without? 

Izuku didn't know. The boys pride and courage had smelled so sweet. If only his blood hadn't been tainted by his fear. Yes. Izuku decided that he would called it blood. But not just any blood, emotions blood. No. The blood of emotions. That was it. 

Kanjo no chi. 

It was perfect. 

The little vampire smiled as he closed his eyes, unaware of the events that he had been born a part of.

Sorry that it's so short. Not everyone has patience. 

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Remember to comment if you want, vote if you liked it, and check out my other books which can be found on my profile. And while your there, you can hit the follow button, and make my day! 

I will see yall next time.

I'm out!


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