A Foreshadowing Movie

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The crowd surged forwards as soon as the doors were opened, and the theater began to fill. It was another sold-out show, with the few remaining front row seats selling at $200 a ticket. Whispers whipped around the room as people settled into their seats, began to eat their popcorn, posted on social media to brag about snagging a seat to watch the newest box office record-breaker movie, Control. And box offices weren't the only records it was breaking. 

The movie was filmed in only a month, with a $5,000 budget. When the trailer was announced, nobody believed it would work, and that the movie would be complete shit. But the director insisted that it would be a movie like no other, a must-see of 2012. 

The day the movie released, only 12 people went to see it. One of these people, however, was acclaimed film critic, Monty Thero, who wrote a 5-star review. After that, people swarmed to theaters all over the world, to see Control. The actors were amazing, the soundtrack so catchy. And everything was new. The actors were never before heard of, the music artists unknown. This was even the directors' first movie, so no one knew what to expect out of him either. And now, rumor has it, the director has been sneaking out in disguise to theaters all over the world, to watch people's reactions. And apparently, that was about to be confirmed. 

The whispers grew to a dull roar as a figure in all black walked up to the screen. A hush fell over the audience as the figure put down its hood, to reveal none other than the director himself, Mr. Hakimodo. He pulled out a microphone and began to speak. "Welcome everyone, to tonight's showing, of Control!" He paused for applause. Ladies and gentlemen, tonight you're in for a treat. You have won the lottery of movie tickets, and have received a free Q&A with yours truly!". The crowd went wild. He raised his hands to settle everyone down. 

"Now, we'll do this in a hand raising fashion" The audience filled with hands raised high. He gestured towards a young father with his daughter on his lap. "What year is this movie set in?" "Ahh, this movie is set 8 years from now, in 2020." A teen girl with blue hair "Where'd you find the actors to star in the movie?" "Well, let's just say, I saw potential in them, especially the leads, Leonardo Decaprio, and Angelina Jolie. I know they're new stars, but I'm sure you'll love them." An elderly man "How did you come up with the idea of a deadly disease created by the government to control population growth?" "Oh," Mr. Hokimodo smirked. "It just came to me...Kinda like a vision of the future...One last question." 

A man in the front row stood up. "It's only ever mentioned in the movie as "the virus. Does it have a name?" Mr. Hokimodo looked straight at him.

 "The CoronaVirus".

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