Bon Appetit!

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The smell of blueberries was strong as I wrestled with the stupid can. It was cracked, with just a little bit more pressure... I squeezed as hard as I could and gave a little squeak when the can burst, blueberry guts flying everywhere. I stared at the now sticky kitchen and with a depressed sigh, grabbed my stained rag and began to wipe it up. I guess I should be grateful they didn't get into any of the other food. 

Footsteps down the hall told me mom was home. Jumping up, I grabbed a towel and rubbed any flour or blueberries left on my face, grabbed a plate and put some muffins, a few pieces of different bread, and a slice of pie. 

"Mooommm, I've got something for yooouuu!" 

She walked into the kitchen and smiled when I handed her the plate of treats. 

"You've been busy" She eyed the multiple trays of muffins, the 3 different pies, a couple of trays of cookies, and a few different loaves of bread. 

"I mean...I don't exactly have anything else to do during this stupid quarantine." 

Mom glanced at the fridge, some blueberry guts still dripping on it. "Do we even have any milk or butter left?" She said dryly, setting down her plate so she could take her shoes and jacket off. 

"Ummm, yes? In the fridge in the garage, there should still be another gallon and a stick or two"

 I smiled guiltily as Mom gave me a stern look. 

"Hon, I know you're bored, and that you love to bake. But what in the world are we going to do with this much food?! Just me and you can't eat this much, it'll take us months!"

 I looked around at the baked goods that surrounded us. It was a lot of food. But I just couldn't help myself! I don't have anything better to do around here, and all the neighbors were old people who couldn't go out and-...They, couldn't go out.... 

"That's it!" I shouted, throwing my arms around my mom. "You're a genius!"

 I sprinted upstairs to my room and grabbed my phone. I dialed Sam, praying he'd pick up the phone. The phone rang and rang, and I was about to give up hope when I heard his voice.

 "Lila? Is that you?" His voices rasped. Clearly I'd woken him up. 

"Sam, Sam thank god. I just had the best idea, but I need your help! Can you get over here asap?" 

"...Fine, but only cause I owe you for that stupid bike." I grinned and hung up. 

I ran back downstairs and stumbled into the basement, the smell of mold wrinkling my nose. Hopefully, they were still here and not destroyed or broken...

My eyes lit up when I saw the old baskets stacked neatly in the corner, just where grandma had left them. I lugged as many as I could upstairs, and began to set them out when I heard Sam at the door. I ran to the door and dragged him into the kitchen. "Alright, we've got a lot of work to do, so start packing." He looked around confused.

"Um, Lila? Could you tell me what the hell we're doing?" I turned to him and smiled. 

"We're gonna deliver baked goods to all the old neighbors!"

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