A Messy Break-Up

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Michaelangelo studied the miniature globe in front of him and sighed as he added up the number of human deaths to occur today. The charts had skyrocketed in the past few hours, and he wasn't sure if it was from the multiple natural disasters that were popping up all over the world or this new stupid virus that had been conjured up. Either way, Michaelangelo was pissed. Just because God was going through a break up didn't mean that all the angles had to work double-time to clean up all of God's stupid tantrums. 

"I mean, really?" He grumbled, logging today's data into the already overflowing folder of the 2020 file, "a plague? It had to be a plague this time? I mean, what's next? You're gonna find out she's got a new girlfriend, and just throw the moon into the earth? That'll show her."

He looked up at the clock and sighed in relief when it hit March. He could finally take lunch! He flew to the mess hall, and grabbed a tray, sitting down at a table with Sybil, and Mathew. 

"I'm sooo tired," Sybil moaned, reaching out and swiping a pita from my tray. I was too exhausted to yell at her. 

"What'd God's deal, huh? We're working around the clock, not getting any breaks, and for what? To deal with the aftermath of some dumb break-up? I'm not down for this!" Mathew grumbled, poking at his Mexican.

 "Will all of you shut up?!" Michelangelo groaned, leaning over Sybil's slumped figure to grab the bottle of ambrosia. "We all signed up for this job, so we've got to deal with it. Besides, we could be way worse off. We could be stuck with the greeks, doing Zeus's bidding". The table collectively shuttered at the thought. 

"I heard the Norse Gods are throwing a party," said Sybil, looking hopefully over at Mathew.

 "No way!" he exclaimed. "The last time I went to one of their parties, Thor fried me with his stupid hammer. I've still got back pains from it!"

 "We've got no time for parties," Michelangelo said firmly, setting his fork down. "We've got to figure out how to help God get over that stupid Egyptian goddess before we're all worked to death!" Sybil sat up, stretching her wings out, smacking Mathew in the face. 

"We could go ask Cupid? He usually gives good advice." 

"No, he'll just mess with God again, remember when he offered to help that Hindu god, Surya? He gave him a faulty love potion and turned his wife into a gecko!"

 "Okay, what about Yue Lao? He's famous in the Chinese world and relevant to the current, uh, issues."

 "No, ever since this stupid plague hit China first, Yue Lao has been running like a chicken with its head cut off, trying to keep couples in quarantine together." 

"Fine, what if-" 

Sybil was cut off when Isiah flew into the room screaming. 

"It's bad guys, it's really really bad!" Mathew flew to him and grabbed his shoulders. "Isiah! Calm down, it just hit April on Earth. What could possibly be so bad?" Isiah looked at him with fear. 

"God brought back the dinosaurs!" 

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