Wake Up Call

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It was dark inside the coffin.

 Anna blinked her eyes a few times. Why was she in a coffin? She was pretty sure she wasn't dead. She pressed a hand against her chest and waited to feel a heartbeat...and waited...and waited...Okay...maybe I AM dead...Is this a dream? Am I in heaven? 

Tentatively, she pressed her hand against the lid and gave a small push. It opened easily, and she peeked her head out. She was in a church of some sort, moonlight streaming through the stained glass, painting her skin in a pale green light. Slowly, she sat up and swung her legs out of the coffin. Anne looked down at herself, and gasped, horrified. Someone had put her the ugliest dress she had ever seen. It was vomit green with the awful ruffles in it. It looked like something an old lady would wear to church. Why the hell was Anna wearing it? And why was she in a coffin? And why didn't she have a heartbeat? 

Stepping down, she took in her surroundings. The coffin she came out of was surrounded by flowers. A large sign caught her eye. She walked over to it and gulped. On it was a large blown-up image of her in a black and gold dress, with a message underneath. "Beloved sister, daughter, and friend, Annabelle Winters will be missed by all. She was taken from this world too young, but her memory will live on''.

 No..no, no no this wasn't right, none of this was right! She wasn't dead, she was here, alive and well, breathing and-...Wait. Was she breathing?

 Anna stopped and held her breath, waiting for the strain to take hold, to force her to get air. It never came. Anna felt like she was hyperventilating. But clearly she wasn't because sHE APPARENTLY NO LONGER NEEDED TO BREATH. What's happening to me?! Why don't I have a heartbeat, why don't I need to breathe, WHY AM I CONSIDERED DEAD??? 

She needed to get out of here, she needed to get to her family, she needed- Her family...who was her family? Anna trembled with the realization that she couldn't remember anything before she woke up in that coffin. No family, no friends, nothing. "Who even am I" she whispered.


Anna whipped her head up. A person! Maybe they could help her!

 "Hey!" she called. 

A young man, maybe in his late twenties walked in. He took one look at her and went pale. 

"No..." he whispered. 

And sprinted away. "Wait!" shouted Anna. Desperately, she jumped up and ran after him. She followed his footsteps to a break in the hallway, where she saw a door. Quickly, she shoved it open and ran out into a street light. 

She sat on a bench to take a breath and screamed. Her arms, they weren't just green from the window light, they were ACTUALLY GREEN. She frantically looked around, and her eyes fell on a big yellow sign posted on the church door. 

"Corona Contaminated Body Inside. Enter at Own Risk"

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