Question 3 - B

577 23 12

Brendon: who do you live with?

Ryan: just my dad

Brendon: no siblings?

Ryan: nah only child parents decided one was enough

Brendon: damn wish I was an only child

Ryan: it's not all it's cracked up to be

Brendon: at least you never had to share a room or clothes or have fights with your siblings it sucks

Ryan: I wouldn't know hiw bad it is

Ryan: the closest I've had to a brother is Spencer and I know it's not close liks how siblings are

Brendon: I wish I was an only child

Ryan: you really don't

Brendon: what happened to your mom?

Ryan: I don't haven't seen her since she walked out on my dad and me when I was like 4

Brendon: oh..

Brendon: sorry I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable or anything

Ryan: you didn't I'm over it happened a long time ago barely knew the woman anyway

Brendon: you sure cause you can talk to me if you want

Brendon: I mean I am the one who brought it up

Ryan: it's cool Brendon

Brendon: positive? I don't wanna feel like an ass who dug up burried feelings

Ryan: lmao chill dude it's cool

Ryan: it's her loss anyway I'm awesome

Brendon: there's the cocky asshole everyone knows

Ryan: on second thought maybe I should make you feel guilty I mean all the abandonment issues I never got any closure she just up and left one night

Brendon: please don't the guilt will eat at me for years if you're serious

Ryan: just messing like I said over it

Ryan: I got the cool parent anyway my dad's the best

Brendon: glad to hear you at least have a decent parent to raise you

Ryan: yeah my living environment is good sometimes lonely but still good

Brendon: just good?

Ryan: yeah my dad works a lot so I don't see him as much as I'd like to but it's nice having time to myself and when I do see him it's great

Brendon: that's good to hear

Ryan: yep

Ryan: now moving on

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