Question 7 - B

481 28 0

Brendon: if you could describe yourself in 3 words what would they be?

Ryan: athletic

Ryan: sexy

Ryan: uh...

Ryan: confident

Brendon: you would

Ryan: what?

Brendon: what are 3 words you think I'd use to describe you

Ryan: oh that's easy

Ryan: awesome, hot, and endearing

Brendon: you got a big head

Ryan: actually it's normal size

Ryan: if my hair's puffy it might look big but it's not

Brendon: you're annoying

Ryan: I think you've told me that before

Brendon: and a cocky ass

Ryan: I know you've said that before

Brendon: and you're the absolute worse person in the whole universe to talk to

Ryan: sticks and stones Brendon

Brendon: you know I'm kidding you're not so bad when you're not asking like a jerk in front of you friends

Ryan: I'm touched

Brendon: stop being sarcastic and take the compliment

Ryan: do I have a choice?

Brendon: not really

Ryan: then thank you so very much sir Urie I will treasure the compliment for the rest of my life

Brendon: what did I say

Ryan: alright question over

Ryan: we gotta get ready for school

Brendon: sadly

Ryan: see you there?

Brendon: sure

Ryan: you sure you're alright?

Read 7:50am

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