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Brendon: hi

Ryan: hey

Brendon: how are you

Ryan: I'm good?

Ryan: how are you?

Brendon: just good?

Ryan: Bren what are you doing on your phone?

Brendon: I'm nervous

Ryan: why?

Brendon: cause we're on a date...

Ryan: yeah and I'd like to continue the date without our phones please

Brendon: but..

Ryan: can you put your phone down?

Brendon: on one condition

Ryan: and what is that?

Brendon: I get to have another pb&j sandwich..

Ryan: that'll be your fourth one B

Brendon: yeah cause they're good

Ryan: fine

Brendon: Yay! :D

Brendon: your laugh is cute..

Ryan: so is your blush

Ryan: can you put your phone away now?

Ryan held out a sandwich after Brendon tucked his phone back inside his pocket. The boy bit his lip excitedly as he took it and unwrapped the plastic. Ryan chuckled as he wiggled his body after taking the first bite.

"What?" Brendon questioned Ryan's amusement.

"Your little dance is cute."

"I get excited about food." Brendon blushed as he nibbled on his sandwich. He scooted toward Ryan until he was pressed against his side. Ryan lifted his arm to allow Brendon to snuggled closer.

"This is so pretty," Brendon murmured. Ryan had found an amazing spot in the hills that overlooked the city perfectly. Lights started coming on as the sun crept closer to the horizon. Brendon had already pointed out the first star that appeared in the darkenening sky.

As much as Ryan's always wanted to do this, he couldn't stop staring at the beautiful boy who actually came here with him. He was nervous that Brendon would just brush him off after being so direct earlier.

Brendon pointed out the lights glowing up the city from the bed of Ryan's truck. Ryan loved watching the light shine in his eyes. Brendon bounced a lot when he was excited, Ryan came to realize.

Ryan managed to look up long enough to catch the sun dip over the edge and out of sight. His heart melted when Brendon let out a soft 'wow' at the scene. With the sun gone, Brendon had a new set of things to point out.

The moon was full and washed a steady calmness over Ryan. Brendon was enjoying pointing out the basic constellations that he could find. The lit up city looked amazing from their distance.

Brendon leaned his head on Ryan's shoulder as the night moved on. Ryan pulled a blanket over them so Brendon wouldn't get cold. At one point, Brendon decided to move between Ryan's legs and use him as a back rest. Ryan didn't mind too much as it was a reason to easily wrap his arms around the smaller boy.

Ryan rest his head on Brendon's shoulder, eventually nuzzled his neck. Brendon let out soft giggled when Ryan planted a small kiss on the flawless skin.

"Thank you for coming tonight," Ryan whispered, keeping his face buried in the other's neck.

"Thank you for bringing me," Brendon replied with a smile. Ryan let out a soft laugh, smiling against Brendon. Ryan shut his eyes, soaking in their closeness.

He tightened his arms and pulled their bodies as close as he possible could. His eyes shut as he kept himself comfortably resting on Brendon's shoulder. His breathing was even, taking in Brendon's scent with every breath. The moment was so serene.

Brendon stirred beneath him for a moment. Ryan only lifted his head when he felt his phone go off in his pocket. The sound was evident in their silence. Brendon giggled but didn't say anything. Ryan pulled away enough to retrieve his phone, eyeing Brendon suspiciously in the process.

He rolled his eyes and chuckled when he saw a message from Brendon. He leaned back as he opened it up.

Brendon: let's play a game

Ryan turned the phone off and returned to his place against Brendon. He closed his eyes and let out a content sigh. He didn't think he'll get over the feeling of being able to hold Brendon.

"You did not just leave me on read." Brendon tried sounding offended, struggling to hide his amusement. Ryan rolled his eyes and held his phone out in front of him. From the position, Brendon was able to see Ryan's screen.

"You can't look," Ryan said as nudged the side of Brendon's head with his own. Brendon rolled his eyes but obediently looked up at the night sky admiring the stars. Ryan turned his phone off again after sending a text. He felt Brendon's body move as he let out a little laugh. It wasn't long before he got a response.

Ryan: what did you have in mind?

Brendon: truth or dare?

Ryan: that's lame people always chicken out and just pick truth

Brendon: what about just dare then?

The two started texting back and forth, Brendon still wrapped in Ryan's arms. They would scold each other if they tried reading the other's text before it was even sent. The rest of the night they remained in the same position, only communicating through their phones with matching smiles on their faces.

Brendon: I bet I could get you to chicken out in a day

Ryan: there's nothing that you could dare me that I couldn't handle

Ryan: I could easily get you to give up way quicker

Brendon: that sounds like a challege

Ryan: you're on



And this concludes 21 Questions!

Thank you everyone for reading. It means so much to me to know people enjoyed it. During this, I started losing motivation to do anything I enjoyed and just slipped into a dark hole. I barely wrote and even considered stopping the story for a while. Reading your comments, seeing votes and everything else helped me manage short chapters every night until I was finally able to get past that draining mindset. Thank you my vros for the support! I hope you enjoyed the ending and I hope to see your comments soon ❤❤

𝐽𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑎 𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑎𝑚𝑡, 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑑 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑡ℎ𝑦 ❤

Coming Soon: Dare

Coming Soon: Dare

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