I Need Your Help

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Ryan: I need your help

Read 8:35am

Pete: sure what's up?

Ryan: Brendon isn't talking to me he thinks I told the guys his secrets

Pete: what secrets?

Ryan: I can't tell you..

Pete: why not he tells me everything

Ryan: it's something he should tell you on his own

Pete: well I'm not gonna help if you don't spill

Ryan: out of respect for Brendon I'm not gonna

Pete: fine what do you need my help for

Ryan: just tell him to unblock me I need to talk to him

Pete: why don't you just talk to him during passing period he can't block you in person

Ryan: I can't do that..

Pete: can't or won't?

Pete: not still holding onto that reputation of yours are you? Afraid being seen with a boy like Brendon gonna make you lose your popularity

Ryan: no of course not

Pete: then?

Ryan: please can you just help me?

Pete: sure I'll talk to him

Ryan: thank you!

Pete: yeah yeah I'll tell you what he says

Read 9:13am

Pete: he told you before telling me..

Read 12:30pm

Ryan: what happened??

Pete: he shared secrets with you.. you knew he was adopted before me..

Ryan: what did he say? Is he gonna unblock me?

Pete: he showed me the messages from the unknown number they made it seem like you told someone

Ryan: but I didn't I swear

Pete: I believe you

Ryan: you do??? Thank god so are you gonna tell Brendon to unblock me

Delivered 12:36pm

Ryan: Pete?

Read 1:17pm

Pete: no

Ryan: what do you mean no?

Pete: I'm not gonna tell him to do anything

Ryan: but you said you'd help me please Pete you're his closest friend

Pete: his closest friend that he felt the need to keep a part of himself from then spill his guts to a no good asshole I told him to stay away from

Ryan: I didn't want to hurt him it wasn't my fault you said you believed that I didn't do it

Pete: I believe you sure but doesn't mean I'm gonna let you come back into his life just so you can hurt him again

Ryan: I'm not gonna hurt him

Pete: but let's be honest it's what you do you get these guys and girls to fall for you then you hurt them you break their hearts

Pete: I'm not gonna let you do that to him

Ryan: I won't do that to him

Pete: sorry Ry I just wanna protect my friend

Ryan: please you said you'd help me

Pete: I'll see you in practice

Ryan: no please

Read 1:43pm

Ryan: dammit Pete

Read 1:46pm

Ryan: Fuck!

Delivered 1:48pm



Hate me yet? Hope you're still enjoying even with the drama🤞🏻Thanks for reading!!

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