Ross Residence

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Ryan: hey are you alright?

Brendon: yeah why wouldn't I be?

Ryan: idk maybe cause you've been in the bathroom for 15 minutes and my dad's worried you got stuck in the toilet or something

Brendon: OH MY GOD!!

Brendon: I'm not stuck just trying to keep myself from freaking out

Ryan: why are you freaking out?

Brendon: cause your dad's out there and he's trying to talk to me

Ryan: yeah... he wants to know who I've been talking to so much

Brendon: but I'm gonna say something stupid and then he won't like me and he won't want you talk to me anymore

Ryan: well we won't know that unless you come back out and talk to him

Brendon: AHHH!!


Ryan: yeah he got used to the boot on his leg so he can walk around without my help now

Brendon: he asked if I wanted pizza

Brendon: do I want pizza??

Ryan: lol if you're hungry say yes

Brendon: I didn't bring money tho

Ryan: he's paying

Brendon: No!!

Brendon: why's he so nice?? And calm??? He can't be calm while I'm freaking out

Brendon: why are you knocking on the door now????

Ryan: put your phone away and come out

Brendon: is your dad still there?

Ryan: no he went to order pizza

Brendon: I can't meet him

Ryan: it'll be alright

Brendon: but what if it's not?? What if something goes wrong???

Ryan: it won't and I'll be right beside when he talks to you

Brendon: the whole time?..

Ryan: the whole time

Brendon: promise?

Ryan: pinky

Ryan: will you come out now?

Brendon: okay..



I got a surprise for next chapter hope you guys will like it 🤞🏼

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