Ryan? Are You Okay?

414 23 16

Josh: hey man are you alright?

Read 9:24pm


Awsten: just heard the news bro you okay?

Read 9:31pm


Jon: Ry I'm here if you wanna talk

Read 9:36pm


10 unread messages


Ryan: I'm sorry.. please talk to me..

Message Not Sent: This person is not receiving messages at this time

Brendon: hey... I heard what happen are you okay?

Delivered 8:43am

Ryan: Brendon?

Brendon: it's me..

Ryan: where'd you get that bruise from? It wasn't there yesterday

Brendon: it's nothing..

Ryan: it's covering half your face it is something

Brendon: just tripped and landed face first that's all

Ryan: don't lie you can tell me

Brendon: ...

Ryan: please...

Brendon: word got out that I'm adopted and Brent thought that reason enough to hit me that's all

Ryan: that son of a bitch

Brendon: it's nothing


Brendon: it doesn't even hurt that much it's fine

Ryan: I'm gonna kill him

Brendon: Ryan are you okay? Why are you in school?

Ryan: why wouldn't I come to school?

Brendon: I heard your dad's in the hospital unless I heard wrong I'd think you'd be with him right now

Ryan: you heard right..

Brendon: is he okay?

Ryan: he's been better

Brendon: what happened?

Ryan: drunk asshole crashed into him luckily it was the passenger side he only got a fractured leg

Brendon: is he still at the hospital?

Ryan: yeah they'll probably discharge him by the time I get out of school

Brendon: why didn't you stay with him

Ryan: he didn't want me to miss school said he was fine and I shouldn't use it as an excuse to fall behind on my work

Brendon: are you okay though?

Ryan: yeah was freaking out yesterday with everything going on but I'm better now

Ryan: I'm glad you're talking to me again..

Brendon: glad you're okay

Ryan: you're not gonna leave again are you?

Brendon: I don't know..

Ryan: I'd appreciate it if you'd stay.. I don't really have anyone I can talk to like I do you and I don't even think I'm gonna be playing tomorrow..

Brendon: why not?

Ryan: I wanna spend the night with my dad

Brendon: oh

Ryan: I understand if you don't wanna talk to me there's no pressure I just miss you

Brendon: I.. I don't know Ry I don't know if I believe you that you didn't tell everyone..

Ryan: I didn't I swear on my life but I understand your hesitance

Brendon: I only texted to make sure you were alright heard you were ignoring everyone else

Ryan: I guess I'll just give you space so you can think about it..

Brendon: thanks Ry

Ryan: please don't block me again though...

Brendon: I won't I promise



I swear school has given me a permanent headache >.<

You guys still upset with me??

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