Chapter 1: Keira

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Another day at training, another day at training without Lucy. Keira sighed. She didn't know why she was feeling so sad. After all, she seemed to have it all: she was playing for Manchester City, at the top of the WSL, with beautiful friends and brilliant supporters. She had everything she had always dreamed of except the one thing: her closest friend Lucy Bronze. And without her she felt empty. She kicked the ball up the stair as she went into her room where she collapsed on the bed.

All over the blue walls were things reminding her of Lucy: photographs and shirts and memories all of a time past when Lucy played at City with her. When they were at City together, it was all Keira needed. But Lucy was her world, and since she was in France Keira felt trapped in Manchester, alone. A knock on her door pulled her out of her thoughts and miseries. Just as she was feeling so alone, her friend and mentor, Steph walked in.

"How are you doing" Steph asked her, leaning in the doorway.

"Great! Good...fine..."

Steph stepped into the room and sat on the edge of Keira's bed. "Whats up."

Keira fidgeted with her hands. "Nothing" she lied, looking down.

Steph sat there silently watching her for a bit. "Kei, you can tell me whats wrong. Is it your family? Are you nervous for the match on Saturday? Did you have a fight with one of the girls? What..." her voice trailed off as she realized what was bothering Keira.

Keira looked up, knowing Steph knew what was bothering her. Steph always knew. "I just miss her, Steph," Keira sniffled. "I know she left a couple years ago but I miss her every day. Seeing her for International comp isn't enough...well, she's so far away...I just don't know if I can keep this up. The distance is too much."

Steph hugged the young midfielder as tears fell down Keira's face. "I know...its hard."

Shrinking, Keira whispered, "No, you don't know. No one seems to know. Lucy's living her best life in France, she probably doesn't even think about me anymore."

"What are you on about" Steph asked, sitting back. "Babe, Lucy loves you. Moving to Lyon had nothing to do with you and...when you are this close with someone, that bond dosen't just fade."

"You don't understand," Keira sighed, rubbing tears from her eyes. "You're not lonely. You're settled and married. "

"As if its been easy!" Steph cried. "Your right, me and Stephen are happy. But you know it's been hard. And finding love is hard, I know. Look at me. It's going to be ok. Why don't you call Luce?"

Keira nodded through her tears as she collapsed in the Skipper's arms. Steph held her close. She had been worried about Keira in all this, but Keira had held in her feelings about Lucy's leaving this far. Keira was a quiet girl, and Steph knew better than to expect her to come running with her problems, like Lucy used to do. But she wished Keira had told her sooner.

"Hey Luce hows it going x I miss you, call me?"

Keira texted Lucy with something almost like reluctance. Of course she and Lucy had been talking, but too often Keira would find herself sending messages to no response, "hey" after "hey." Since Lucy hadn't been in the She Believes Cup, where Keira had been so looking forward to their reunion, they had an extra long time of not being together and their conversations became less and less meaningful, less and less real...just less. Nothing was like how it used to be.

Steph and Keira went out for Nandos with Ellen and Georgia for dinner, and still no response from Lucy.

"I'm overthinking," Keira told herself. "Lucy always forgets her phone. She's not ignoring me."

She tried to enjoy her night out with the girls, but she couldn't get Lucy out of her head, as usual.

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