Chapter 14: Misunderstandings

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"Why didn't you join us?" yelled Georgia across the pitch to Lucy.

Lucy pretended like she didn't hear her, and kept talking with Ellen, Ellie Roebuck, Jill, Keira, and Steph. Georgia and Lauren walked into their circle and Georgia reached out and pushed Lucy lightly on the shoulder.

"Oi. Why didn't you join us?" she asked sharply, tilting her head to the side.

"I-I just..." Lucy stammered.

"Why does it matter?" Keira asked, confused. "She's just visiting."

"I'm asking Lucy," Georgia said hotly, taking Keira aback by her tone. Keira exchanged glances with Steph. "So tell us, Lucia. Why didn't you train with us? Is it because you're too good? Oh yeah, that's it, isn't it. That's why you left. Because you were soooo much better than all of us. You just couldn't be arsed to have to stick around and play with us anymore."

"What?" Lucy cried. "I-what are you talking about? That's not why I didn't train with you."

Georgia smirked. "Really."

Lucy looked around uncomfortably. "Yeah."

Georgia laughed bitterly. "Who the hell do you think you are, Lucy? Why are you even here?"

"G!" Keira exclaimed. "She's came for a visit."

Georgia looked sharply at Keira. "Hmmm. And you just let her waltz back into your life? Keira honestly I'm disappointed in you." G put her hands on her hips and shook her head. "This b!tch hurt you, Kei. Don't pretend like it isn't true. And don't let her do it again. Don't get to close to her, cos I. don't. trust. her." With every word, Georgia leaned closer into Lucy's face.

Lucy leaned back, keeping her eyes on the young forward but slightly cowering away. Georgia's words hit their mark by hurting Lucy with every syllable.

"Georgia, stop," Keira said firmly.

"Keira," Georgia insisted, pulling Keira in seriously. "I'm trying to protect you. I know Lucy hurt you, like she hurt us all. You didn't want to tell us but I saw you. I saw how sad you were. I'm not going to let Lucy hurt you again." Her eyes snapped up back to meet Lucy's. "And you." She looked pointedly at her former teammate. "You have no business here. You left us. You're not a blue anymore. I think you should go, Lucy."

"What are you on about!" Steph interjected. "Georgia, come off it. Right now."

"I'm not the only one," Georgia insisted. She nodded at Hempo, who stepped forward to stand beside Georgia.

"G's right," Hempo admitted. "It's not fair to any of us. Lucy screwed us over. What gives her the right to come back crawling to us for help. Just look at how she hurt Keira. Are yous blind? Have you not seen the state Keira's been in these past few weeks? She's been absolutely miserable."

"And it's not just recently," Georgia added. "Ever since Lucy left, Keira's been depressed. Lucy, I want my best friend back. No one wants you, tho. Get out." Georgia's face was filled with such anger, that Stan stepped in front of her to keep her from throwing hands at Lucy.

"Georgia Stanway!" Steph shouted. But it was too late. Lucy couldn't take it anymore. Her face, twisted in misery as she tried to suppress her tears, was now red and streaming with tears. She spun around and limped off the pitch as fast as she could, the whipping wind stinging the corner of her eyes and blowing the tears horizontally off her cheeks.

"Luce! Lucyyyy!" Keira yelled after her friend but Lucy wouldn't come back. Keira blew up on Georgia. "Georgia Stanway you b!tch! How could you!"

"No, how could she!" Georgia shouted. "You can't let her walk all over you, Kei. Not again!"

"She's never...what the hell are you on about!" Keira exploded.

"What are you on about? Look I know you didn't want to tell us about Lucy being mean to you, but we all saw you were sad and I know it must be Lucy did something."

"You have no idea," Keira said bitterly. "Lucy is here because she needs me."

"Yeah, sure," Georgia scoffed. "Is that what she told you? No, she's just here because she got lonely in Lyon and wants someone to toss around. Lucy doesn't care about anyone but herself. She showed her true colours when she left us. She's just selfish, and you dam well know it Keira Walsh."

"That's not true," Keira said shakily. Her volume was just above a whisper, she feared if she talked any louder her voice would break. "Lucy is here because she genuinely needs me. It takes a humble person to admit that. It takes a selfless person to do that. Lucy's always been there for me. Now I need to be here for her."

"Lucy's always only ever tried to dominate your friendship," Georgia spat. "Stop giving everything up for her, Kei! Because I care about you, you need to see Lucy for who she is!"

"I do!" shouted Keira. "I know her better than any of you do! You don't know that? We might have been distant but me and Lucy have something that none of you will understand! I do see Lucy for who she is. She's a human. She makes mistakes. We all do! But for gods sake, G. That doesn't mean I'm not going to pick her up when she falls. I was sad because I missed her, and so was she. I might have been hurt, but it's nothing that Lucy did purposely and now Lucy's hurting more, and I suspect you did nothing to help her. Do you even know why Lucy's here? She broke her ankle. Her whole life's come to a stop. And she's been going through some tough time lately. We're her friends. We're supposed to be here for her. I am. What can you say for yourself?"

Georgia didn't know what to say. It wasn't how she expected everything to go down. But here she was, the odd one out, and her friend had turned on her.

"I'm...I'm sorry," Georgia stammered. "I-I didn't know."

Keira sighed. "I didn't think so."

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