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This chapter is dedicated to Lordnicholas. Thanks darling for helping out with the editing of this chapter.

"Papa do you know any Charles English?" I asked, slightly imitating his accent.

"What did you just say?!" Mama and Papa asked simultaneously, thereby startling Tolu.

"What did I say wrong now?" I asked myself confused.

"Mide, come and sit down please," Papa had instructed. It didn't seem like that was open for discussion, and so I started walking back to the table.

"Did I do anything wrong Papa?" I asked, clearly noticing the huge change in the room. Something was off and these two were on edge.

"No my daughter, you did nothing wrong. Charles is Toke's old time friend and we are just surprised that he came to visit us," Papa replied, slightly stuttering. He was clearly lying because he refused to make eye contact with me.

"Okay sir," I answered simply, pretending to have bought the lie he had sold me.

"Good child," he said and walked to the door like he was constipated. Mama followed closely behind him and I could notice her sudden discomfort.

"Who exactly is this visitor?" I thought.

Papa and Mama closed the door on us as quickly as they opened it. I could only catch a glimpse of who the visitor was. Charles English was a stout man with a front part of his hair grey. His skin was a flourishing milky tone. He looked around fifty years of age yet his eyes spoke fear, kindness and honour at the same time. There was nothing about how he looked that spoke to how Mama and Papa were terrified about his presence.

I bolted to the window in the living room, because that was the closest I could get to hearing what the adults were talking about. I was probably going to be scolded for doing this if I was caught but at that time I honestly didn't care. I was too curious to sit down to a delicious meal of Akara and Ogi as if nothing was going on.

"Mide, come down from there, you are only going to make Papa angrier," Tolu nearly yelled, slightly irritating me about how much he wanted to be a good son to Papa and Mama.

"Don't even try to annoy me this morning. It's too early," I replied without sparing him a glance.

"I will report you. Come down now!" he repeated, defiance clear in his voice.

"I think you are beginning to grow wings abi? Do not forget that I am still your older sister," I answered, finally looking at him square in the eyes.

"Maybe I will believe that when you start acting your age!" he replied me.

"Ah! This boy is already mad. Would you get out of here?" I said, mostly to myself than to him.

Finally, he decided to leave me alone muttering, "I will tell Mama and Papa for you. You just wait and see."

"Nuisance," I muttered back.

Getting back to my mission at hand, I had realized that I had lost a ton of information because of my silly brother.

"If I catch this boy today ehn, he will see what I will do to him," I mumbled to myself. I put my ears closely to the window net and that was when I heard Mama say, "No one is going anywhere!" She was trying so hard not to scream but I could see she was extremely angry.

"Mr Wale, please let us reconsider this. We need her! Our people are so lost right now," came Mr. Charles voice in his weird accent. It sure was harder to pick out his words.

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