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This chapter is dedicated to Da-blur
For consistently reading, voting and commenting.

"Your what?!" I asked in unison with someone who was behind me. I turned around to see who it was, eavesdropping on our conversation.

"Olufola Coker?" I said, shocked to see him there staring between me and Mr Charles.

"Oh boy! I have a lot of explaining to do," I thought to myself.

"What are you doing here Fola?"

"School is over now. Why didn't you come to school today? I was worried, and so I decided to come see how you are," he replied, still looking at Mr Charles.

"How did you find me here?" I asked yet again. This place was off the route to my house or his house, so how did he find me here?

"If you had let me finish madam, I would have told you," he began saying.

"Well, I was on my way to your house when I saw you running after a vehicle. I was curious and so I followed you here," he concluded.

"Who is this man?" Fola whispered to me.

"One oyinbo uncle like that. He came to see Papa and Mama this morning," I whispered back to him.

"Papa knows oyinbo people too?"

"Hmm that's what I was wondering too o. I think he is more of Mama's friend," I replied, as he just nodded in return. Meanwhile, Mr Charles just stood there probably wondering what we were whispering back and forth to one another about.

"Miss Mide, I think you should go home now. I don't want to worsen things between Toke and I," he finally spoke up.

"Ah! Uncle, you have to tell me what I came here for first o. I did not run all the way here in vain," I retorted, putting my hand akimbo.

"I don't think I understand what you said child, but I will tell you everything you want to know. Let us get you home first," he opined, laughing at how dramatic I was.

"You think you can cheat me? That's a lie! I don't trust adults," I answered, maintaining my position.

"I am not lying to you. I promise," he said still laughing.

We had not realized it on time, but people had begun to gather. It was almost impossible to have a conversation with a white man on the open street and not call attention to yourself.

"Uncle, let us leave this place. I don't want anybody reporting that they saw me talk to a white man on the street. Papa will have the both of us for breakfast if he hears this," I said, gently tucking his arm towards the direction of the car door. His driver unlocks the car door and we all got in. Through the car window, I could see more and more people gather to examine the scene at hand.

"Mr Driver, please let's go," I said, tapping the driver to zoom off.

"Yes Miss," he replied. Soon after, we were out of that street.

"What did you mean by 'Your Majesty' Mr Charles?" Fola asked. I also turn to face Mr Charles who was seating at the back with Fola.

"Mide is special," was all the reply we got.

"Special how?" I asked him, slightly frustrated about his tight lips.

"You would have to talk to your parents about that Miss," he said once again.

"Ah! You all are frustrating me. Mama won't say anything. Papa only yells at me when I ask questions. And now even you are referring me back to them?" I said, whining and throwing a tantrum.

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