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12TH October, 1960,

I am scared. I am so scared. I have been monitored for the past two days, and I am now too scared to go anywhere. I have strangers in black clothes following me everywhere I go. What if it is the killer that wants me dead as well? How did they even know I exist? I blame Mr Charles for everything. He brought this upon all of us. I just wish he stayed in his country, instead of coming here to put me in danger. I can't sleep, I have become paranoid. I think I am running mad. Is this what madness feels like? God please save me! I am not ready to die. I would only feel safe when they catch the killer or killers. I just want things to return back to normal. Please God, I am too cute and too young to die! Save me.

Love, Mide.

"Mide, you have to come with me now!" Mr. Charles said, pulling me towards him.

"No! I am not going anywhere with you," I had screamed and kicked in protest.

"You have no one here. No one loves you here," he had said.

"That is a big lie! Papa loves me," I said, crying by this time.

"Your father is dead Mide. You do not have a father. Papa isn't yours," his snickering voice spoke up again, laughing at me.

"That is a lie. My Papa loves me. He always has and he always will," I yelled, trying to be bold and stand up to this bully.

"You are not mine Mide, and you know it," I had heard Papa's voice say behind me.

"Papa? Why would you say that to me? You promised to always love me," I said, running towards Papa. The closer I got to him, the farther away he was. It felt like I was running on a spot. His cynical laughter drowned my screams. He stood next to Mr. Charles, as the both of them watched me cry and beg, but did they did nothing.

"Papa!" I screamed, as I opened my eyes and realized that this was all a dream.

Papa ran into my room, pushing the door violently against him. I could sense his fear, as his eyes roamed my room for what could have caused my discomfort. Realization setting in on him, he rushed to my bed side, hushing me to be calm. He took me in his arms, as I stayed shaken up by the effects of my dream. I couldn't stop shaking, I couldn't stop the tears.

"You are okay Mide. It was only a dream," Papa muttered, as he rocked me back and forth. His voice was broken, as he tried to soothe my pain. He was so comforting that I had drifted back into the darkness. This time, I had no nightmare as my subconscious could still feel Papa's presence in my room.

The cock crowed signalling the morning was here. This was one morning that I didn't want to see. Until things went back to normal, I was going to feel this way. I opened my eyes and shut it immediately, as the sun shone brightly through my window. I didn't know if I was expecting Papa to be here when I woke up, but he was gone. Knowing Papa, he probably left when he was assured that I was alright.

I got up from my bed, almost zombie like and headed straight for the bathroom I share with my brother. I locked the doors behind me, and sat on the toilet seat crying my eyes out. That was the only thing I had the strength for. After about twenty minutes, I got up and poured that first bowl of water that sent shivers down my spine. I normally hated bathing with cold water, but this morning I felt like I didn't deserve any pampering.

Within minutes, I was dressed and ready to head out of the door. I was hoping to not run into anyone at home. I needed a quiet morning to clear my head.

"Good morning Mide," Papa greeted as soon as I came out of my room.

"Was he waiting for me there, all these while?" I thought to myself.

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