The (Massacre) Glorious battle of Italica

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Princess Piña Colada was Tired she had to organize a defense against a legion that went rogue and joined up with some bandits they tried to scale the walls and overrun the defenders lots of times and all of them failed. She had to prepare for tomorrow's Full scale attack when the entire bandit force will try to take the town.

She was overseeing defense preparations. Until the earth started shaking.

"What's happening?!" Piña Shouted

"It's the Men of Iron!" Shouted a soldier.

They stopped in front of the gates and Tuka stepped out first followed by lelei and Rory.

"An elf, a wizard and Rory the Reaper..."

Piña Colada's face had paled.

Then a Custodian and The Squad of Space Marines Stepped out.Scanning the area for any threats.

"The Men of Iron...."

Imperium Pov

"These Fortifications are weak and flimsy to the point of being pointless." Said an Imperial Fist.

"True." Replied another


The astartes looked at the source of the voice.A red haired Woman with a sword.

"W-What brings you to Italica."

"They have come to Trade." Said a astarte.Pointing at the trio."We are escorting them."

"T-Then will you assist us?"


"T-This city will be destroyed by an army of bandits we need help defending Italica."

"Custodian? What do you think?"

"We may be strangers to this land but they are still Humans. So we shall assist in defending this 'City'."

Then Some idiot shot an arrow at one of them shouting "DIE"
It hit one of the astartes who in retaliation Pointed his bolter at the Person


Then Hamilton slapped said person

"Then we shall start building the defenses." Said the custodian
"Imperial Fists,Let's get to work."

The sons of Dorn put down automated Heavy Bolter Turrets and Strengthened the walls and Gates.Creating Choke points and was extremely busy

While the custodian Called Command Requesting Reinforcements and there were available reinforcements, The Black Templars Since No one else was Available. Alpha Legion was gathering intel, White Scars were up north Scouting, The Masters Of Change were in Rondel learning about magic, The Dark Angels Were busy Fighting the Legions of the falmart Empire, While other Imperial Fists were busy Bolstering the defenses of Fortress 'Fortress'.

As soon as they were done Piña Assigned them to the eastern wall.
And they waited They saw a scout who tried hiding himself in the woods but every Astarte saw him and they pretended they never saw him so they could put fear into The on coming army.

As night fell astartes prepared for The on coming onslaught.

"Ready Bolters!"

The bandits attacked the Northern Wall with full force.Mines were put all over so a lot of people died from mines,Bolts from The turrets and rockets because why the fuck not.

They somehow destroyed the Turrets cleared a minefield Imperial Guard style. And went over the walls. Then The Astartes Went to the rescue and killed the bandits inside the city and they manned the Northern wall throwing off any person who tried to climb it.using bolters,Flamers and grenades to keep them off. The people were in shock that thirteen Men (including the Custodian) were able to hold off hundreds if not thousands of Trained Soldiers.

"Brother! How many?" Said an Imperial Fist

"12 thousand enemy combatants." The other Astarte Replied nonchalantly

"Black Templar Drop Pods Inbound."

Then music was heard in the Vox


Drop pods Rained from the skies.They opened Revealing More astartes others revealed Dreadnoughts while others revealed Terminators,The Enemy panicked and lost morale they were routed

"DO NOT LET THESE TRAITORS ESCAPE!"shouted a Black Templar


Then those giant knights challenged the champion and The Chaplain to a Duel, Big mistake. The Champion just punched the Knight so hard it went through the Knight's armor and Out the other side.
While the Chaplain used his mace to hit the enemy of course it killed his opponent what'd you expect?

The enemy was routed and ran. The Black Templars were having none of it and chased after them.

The Imperial fists were happy and angry at the same time. They were happy that reinforcements arrived but IT HAD TO BE THEM?!

While Piña was horrified, These Men Of Iron summoned more of their brethren,literally falling out of the sky in weird metal asteroids and their weird automatons they deployed all around the wall killed more bandits with no one manning it.

They had the power of the Gods and every each one of them are as powerful or more powerful than an apostle.

"Princess" Said Hamilton "We have won"

"We didn't The Men Of Iron did." Replied Piña "They won this battle, We saved the town and defeated the bandits but we summoned a whole new power we cannot defeat."

"What shall we do Princess?"

"We can only do one thing." Piña looked to her companion."We can beg for their mercy and hope they spare the town."

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