Banquet Time

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A party is being held at ' the blue palace ' showcasing the power of the imperium.

Meanwhile at The Falmartian Palace...

"SCREAM FOR ME! SCREAM!" Zorzal said to the Former Bunny Queen whimpering below him.

"My lord" Said the messenger. " I bare a message from lord Casel."

"What is It?!" He said while thrusting into the Bunny Queen

"It appears there is a Banquet being held by your younger sister and one of the ambassadors at the Blue Palace."


The Former Bunny Queen took a breather before walking out with rags covering her front body.

"I'm getting tired of that toy, What does Casel want with me?"

"He wants you to go to this banquet my lord."

"What does he think I am? His puppet? But if he advises it then I shall go, Begone with you!"

The messenger bowed before leaving the chamber.

Meanwhile at the party

"Brother, You look miserable." Said Horus to Sanguinius

"Oh, It's that time of the month again."  The golden haired angel replied

"Your period?"

"No. Not my Period, Celestine's."

"Do you want to talk about it?"


"What about Celestine?"

"We were eating, You know just complete silence in the room and she asked the question 'Are you cheating on me?'."


"And I was like what? It was completely out of the blue, and I've been miserable ever since."


"He-hey Cel, W-what was that for?"

"Nothing." Said Celestine

While Horus just stood there snickering

She cups Sanguinius' cheek

"You can tell all the stories about me, but don't blow them out of proportion of you do then I'll FUCKING KILL YOU." She said in a loud voice as a threat

"Okay honey?" She said in a cute manner.

"Ye-yes, I love you." Sanguinius said

She blew him a kiss before flying away.

"Wow." Said Horus

"Wow would be an understatement." Replied Sanguinius

Meanwhile with Ferrus

"Hello, I am Ferrus Manus brother to Sanguinius and Horus, and I will be one of your demonstrators today."

Ferrus Nodded to The commissar next to him.

"I am Ciaphas Cain, The representative of the Imperial Guard."

As Ciaphas said that a 13 man squad of Guardsmen jogged onto the field.

"FIRING FORMATION 3!" Ciaphas Ordered

The Guardsmen then formed two lines, The first line kneeled while the second stood.

"Fire when ready."

The Guardsman shot their lasguns at the targets downrange which are armor of the Falmartian legionnaires
Piercing holes through the armor and shield.

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