The Explanations Part 1

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Horus and Sanguinius were walking with their honor guard, they were headed towards the Webway gate to Falmart.

"Brother, How are your sons faring?"
Asked Horus

"Well, thanks to Roboute I had to start from square one, of them getting rehab, I mean once they were turned into chapters, Some of them became fucking cannibals again, some of them drank blood just because they saw an old holovid called twilight that one time and on top of that even more became edgy. I'm actually impressed that they survived for so long without getting branded as heretics and renegades by the Inquisition, And When I came back from the dead, I found out, I was being worshipped like a saint, I still blame you for that though." Sanguinius replied.

"Understandable. I am sorry for killing you in the first place Sanguinius, I mean lorgar got me hooked on Chaos, and I was so high I didn't realize until the last second that I started a civil war."Said Horus

"Wow. How high were you?"Asked Sanguinius

"You know that one time, when we were walking around The Imperial Palace and stumbled upon father's secret stash of Weed?"

"Yeah. Good times, father had us doused with a hose to make us come down."

"Well, It was as relaxing as Father's Weed, mixed with LSD, Cocaine, Primarch Heroin™ and Methapethamine.That's how high I was."

"Oh shit. How about that time you almost killed me?"

"I was coming down and was going through a withdrawal, and as it turns out when coming down from a chaos high had one weird side effect."

"And that is?"

"Extreme Aggression to anyone wearing Gold."

"Wait, You mistook my hair for a golden hat?"

"If I remember it correctly, yeah."

"Huh. So that's why you were talking really weird about my hair."

"So enough about me, I heard that you punched guilliman in the face the moment you came back."

"Yeah. I did"

"Why did you Punch him square in the face infront of Yvraine?"

"Well, I was observing my sons from the warp in Celeste's house, and I saw everything, thanks to the Codex Astartes, My sons got divided, some of them forgot our little etiquette lessons, And I thought to myself 'Gulliman, once I get back to my body, you're fucking dead to me.' And I remembered I was making dinner."

"Wait, You and Celeste are dating?"


"How long?"

"5 millennia, Im gonna propose to her next month."

"Oh shit, Congratulations brother."

"Thanks, It looks like we've arrived at the Gate."


"Yvraine."asked Gulliman

"Yes?" Replied Yvraine

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