Snow White

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Mirror, mirror on the wall
Who's the fairest of them all
A girl whose beauty is admired by all
Was really the face of evil
Not as innocent as you believed
Behind every good, there's an evil hidden

Snow White, a daughter with no father
A step mother that hates her
The magic mirror can see the truth,
Even the near future
Is she really angelic as she is in the story?
Or there's a secret hidden behind her beauty

She was slaved, she was tortured
She was raped, she was abused
Nobody dared to help her
All of them were afraid from the Queen
The Queen who has all the power

Snow White was already traumatized
She ran away when
She snuck out the castle
Ran to the forest where no one's ever been to
She found a hut with seven dwarfs

You all thought the dwarves we're real?
Then you're also fooled by everybody
It was all Snow White's hallucinations
Her body was out of control
She was longing for love, she was longing for care

At first she was okay in the forest
But her stepmother won't give her peace
She visited her,  she disguised
She gave her a poisoned apple
She won't fall asleep but she'll be hungry for flesh

Every night Snow White hunts
She eats animals who passed by
But the animals won't satisfy her hunger
She was craving for more
Until she kills and ate a human flesh

The queen knew about this
She regretted what she did
Now she will find a way
A way to stop her curse
A curse that she shouldn't have gave

The prince was not real
He was just the queen's slave
She ordered him to kill Snow White
In order to end her might
But she was just a little clever

The slave dressed up as a prince
He made Snow White as his friend
At first she was hesitant
But she is thirsty for love
Now she treated him as real

Three months passed
Many happened
The slave saw how Snow White changed
But he still wants to kill her
For one of her victim was his mother

He sneaked at Snow White's hut
He was about to stab
But Snow White suddenly disappeared
" I treated you as real, I'm trying to change for you to accept me as your friend, I  know what was your real motive but I didn't care, now ran ran ran HAHAHAHAHAH!  Never return, never come back"

The slave then ran
Snow White was grinning from a far
She's dissapointed
She's fooled
She thought someone could accept her

The moon was at the top
She went to get a rope
She tied it up the tree
And imagining the dwarves singing thee
She was smiling,  smiling as she close her eyes

" Twinkle, twinkle little star,
How I wonder when you die
Up above the tree so high
Tie your neck and slowly die..... "

Fake friends;
Those who only drill holes under your boat to get it leaking;
Those who discredit your ambitions and those who pretend they love you, but behind their backs they know they are in to destroy your legacies.

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