|♧| RULES |♧|

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Ok so if you break a rule once, I will pm you to let you know

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Ok so if you break a rule once, I will pm you to let you know. I know you can forget rules sometimes and I just wanna make people aware. I'm also aware that someone "breaking a rule" may actually just be a misunderstanding. I'm an admin, not a dictator, talk to me if you think something is unfair! That said however, break a rule 3 times on purpose or without a visible attempt to follow it, then I will be forced to remove you from the roleplay. Some of these rules are cause for immediate removal. I don't want to remove anyone so please, please, please stick to the rules!


1. You can cuss as much as you want, as long as its censored

2. This is a literate roleplay, as in 8+ sentences minimum. I can understand the odd slip but a consistency is required. I expect no one or two liners, the bigger the better and easier to play off of. Its harder to have an engaging roleplay when the content of the roleplay is lacking. On that, be active! Try your best my friends! To put this in perspective, that was 6 sentences, and I'm expecting more than this.

3. Diversity is encouraged. Be exciting! Create engaging characters that everyone wants to see more of!

4. Do not control anyone's characters. I know what it's like trying to guess limits for other roleplayers and what input you can have on plot so pm me any ideas or questions and I will answer I promise! Infact, it is greatly encouraged. Pass 1 is your favourite time period (ignoring all the political issues of them lol)

5. Smut is to pm. If I start getting notifs of your smut roleplay in a main chain or an individual's chain. This equates to two strikes not just one.

6. Be friendly with other roleplayers! Have some fun! Ship people! Joke about things!

7. No triggering topics like self harm or suicide. You must declare you are going to do something that might be triggering first and ask permission. Failure to do this results in 2 strikes and not just one. Pass 2 is to tag 5 people

Don't be rude or bully other roleplayers. This results in immediate removal.

9. HAVE FUN!!!

Pass 3 is to give a typical example of how you roleplay. It isnt an audition its just to make sure you won't struggle to meet the standard of roleplaying I really would like. I will post a specific page for this password so all the roleplay examples are in the same place.

(If i know you and defo know youre a good rper I maaaaay let it slide)

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