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The kingdom of Mendacium was formed on the grounds of abandoned witch villages, the settlers knowing that magic ran deep in the roots and soil in the ground. Since nobody was there, they set up their little community.

Nobody there ever possessed magic but they were able to harness the charms of plants and animals around them for medicine and the like. Potion masters became prevalent after a few years, and is still a very important trade to the nation today.

Quickly a hierarchy was set up, and their territory spread. It started with simply expanding and building upon their settlement and then they began conquering any village or town they came by. Kings and Queens were set up, coming from the ruthless Vivlìo line of rulers. The children of the General in the original expedition.

Using their merciless tactics, they asserted themselves as one of the most powerful kingdoms in the world, trading the magic goods they had collected for money and other valuables. The neighbouring kingdom, Demeranta, was particularly friendly and they had something of an unspoken alliance between the nations.

Years passed and the kingdom thrived, winning any wars they engaged in with ease, the Demerantian people always by their side. They could never harness magic to use in battle but they could always infuse what resources they had with what mysical materials thet collected.

Mendacia was seen as a stronghold, a testament to the people who inhabited it. The Queen Lilianna even survived losing her king to illness and found a new husband that was adored by the public. He was a loving and gracious king, the people's royalty and this love greatly increased the citizens' nationalism.

As a show of solidarity and trust, the new king himself went to Demeranta to discuss a trade deal. This unbelievably rare action was a blatant show of trust and unity between the royals. The New King, Benjamin, stayed overnight and dined with the Royal family, reportedly having a marvellous time. It's just aswell that his last night was a good one, as the morning after he was found dead in his room, blood pooling out of his mouth. He had been poisoned.

The Queen expressed such fury at the murder that royal declarations had to be censored by those who read them to the public. She was going to wage war and none of the denials of guilt sent by Demaranta could stop her.
Already she had started gathering troops when the news came, it was more like a blessing.

There were children found in the villages showing signs of the old magic left behind by witches. Each child, only around the ages of 13-15, displayed something different. In her grief, Lilianna took the children from their families, payed the parents handsomely and brought them to the castle. This would be her army.
These children would be her victory. And the training for victory started right away.


Alright! If anyone has any questions please let me know!

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