3. The Little Bird

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I hopped off the side of the building onto a fire escape and put my back against the wall of the building. I put my hand on my heart and took a deep breath in, regaining control of my power. When I get excited or riled up my power I guess you can say begins to leak out, releasing access power I create inside me. My heart was racing so fast, but why? Spiderman... I thought. I felt my cheeks heat up and felt my chest flutter. What is this I'm feeling? I don't know whether I have a little crush or I am just taken aback by his kindness. He didn't even know me but he was willing to help. Honestly, I could have used it but then again, I couldn't let a good guy like him get involved in my problems.

I finish my descent down the fire escape. At the bottom of an alley, I look at the reflection of my face in a puddle. Sheesh, Spiderman must have thought I was homeless...well I guess technically I am.

I shook my head and tried to get him off my mind. "I need to focus," I whispered to myself, "It's not like I'll see him again anyway."

I started walking towards the end of the alley, annoyed at myself for letting my walls down so easily and for wasting time. By now, Hydra will be all over looking for me. When I reach the end I look around the corner. Despite it being late, there are still people on the streets. Knowing any of them could be a secret Hydra agent, I turn and take my chances at the other end of the alley.

Right as I am getting close to the other end of the alley, a black van screeches to a stop at the opening. I quickly duck behind a dumpster with my back against the wall hoping no one saw me.

"Shit," I mutter to myself. How did they find me? In the past they would track me down by my radiation levels, however, I was very careful and did not use my powers since I left the warehouse. I thought they would not be able to detect my powers up on the rooftop with Spiderman, but I guess I was wrong.

Footsteps echo down the alley. I hold my breath and stay silent trying to think of a plan. A bead of sweat drips down from my forehead. I can't let them notify more agents. By the sound of it, there had to be at least four of them. I could use my powers now that they know where I am, but then they would keep coming. I can't let them take me back.

"Come out, come out little bird," the voice was calm and came from no one other than Dr. Malcolm. My body tenses as I realize this may be harder than I thought. "We know you're around here somewhere!"

I saw pebbles roll in front of me, telling me the guards were inches away. Times up. Two guards come into view in front of me as I catapult off the wall and straddle one of the guy's neck bringing him down to the floor. Pushing up from where I was I give the second guard a hard uppercut to the chin, but not fast enough. The knife he had in his hand skimmed my shoulder cutting the sleeve off my tank top and sports bra.

I barely felt the cut as I stood in a fighting stance facing Dr. Malcolm and the two guards. A single drop of blood ran down to my collarbone. As I stood there getting ready to take my next move, an evil grin crept onto Dr. Malcom's face.

Before I could lunge at them, a hard force struck the side of my head and I fell to the ground dazed. My vision was spotted and I heard muffled talking and footsteps. I felt people grab my arms and twist them behind my back pinning me to the ground. My muscles weren't responding all the way, as I struggled in their grasp. My vision started to come back as I got a look at who came at me from behind. I had a guard kneeling onto my back holding my arm twisted at a painful angle, and another on my legs pinning me in place.

How did I let this happen? I was distracted and completely forgot about the other end of the alley. They had me cornered the whole time. I tried to use my flames seeing no other way out, but the guard behind me must have sensed my wrist warming up and twisted my arm, even more, causing me to yell out in pain and lose my concentration.

Dr. Malcolm was squatting in front of me now holding my throbbing head up by my hair. "Well little bird, it's time to go back home. If I were you I would just stop trying to fight us."

I scowled and spit at his face. I raised my voice, "I will never stop fighting! And I will never stop trying to get away from you!"

He wiped his face, obviously aggravated, then punched me hard across my cheek. My head smacked back onto the concrete and black threatened the edge of my vision once again.

"Load her up. And make sure she is out cold before putting her on the transport." Dr. Malcolm said as he walked away from me. I laid there on the ground still, awaiting the final blow when I caught a glimpse of something red and blue land behind me.


Published: 4/8/2020

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