19. The Declaration

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I turned on my side and opened my eyes. That was probably the best sleep I've ever had. I could tell by the IV in my arm that I must have been in the med bay. Now that I think of it, I remember getting back this morning and Peter telling me to sleep here so they could run some tests. I sat up and looked at the purple sky through the window and then at the clock across the room. 7:56...The sun must have just set.

I didn't realize I wasn't alone until I heard Tony's voice boom right next to me, "Oh, look who's up from their beauty sleep."

I just about jumped out of my skin. I turned to look at him with my hand against my pounding chest. I let out a giggle when I saw him sitting on the chair right next to me, "You scared the shit out of me...Have you been here the whole time?"

"No. Parker has been here most of the day actually just in case you woke up, but really he was just asleep over there," Tony said as he pointed to a little couch next to the window.

Looking at the couch I responded, "oh, what a gentleman," before turning back to look at Tony.

"I needed to check some emails so I figured I would give the kid a break and look at them over here...How are you feeling?"

I looked down at my own hands as I responded, "Like I should be feeling I guess. Nothing different."

He watched my eyes move up to the IV. He responded, "We wanted to flush out any of that serum in case any residue was left in your system." Before I could ask if it worked he began speaking again, "You have a little more radiation in your body than you did before but, yes, you are gonna be fine... despite that fact you rise from the dead."

It felt nice for the atmosphere to not feel so heavy. I lightly responded, "You know, I don't think I have much control over that. Both times it has happened, the fire had something to do with it."

"Well we aren't gonna let you run off getting yourself killed to go and find that out...but kid, I'm glad you're alright. You're one of us now and this tower wouldn't be the same without you." A doctor came in and began removing the IV from my arm as Tony continued, "I want to offer you a permanent room here at the tower, that is if you'd like to be an Avenger."

I just stared at him in awe moving my mouth, however, nothing was coming out. He started laughing and then quieted down as he finished, "I'm sorry we couldn't make Malcolm pay the way he should have, but with your help, we can continue taking down places and people like that one. You can avenge your family the right way."

A tear escaped the corner of my eye while nodding my head as he stuck out his hand to me. I brought my hand to meet his and he shook it. "Y/N, welcome to the team... or should I say Phoenix."

The doctor had finished and left as I threw the sheets off my legs and stood up next to the bed. I was still in my uniform when Tony said, "One more thing," I turned to him as he stood up across the bed, "based on the information Malcolm gave us about your parents and the incident, I was able to do a little research about you and your origins. Your parents were in fact agents of shield, well more like scientists really. They worked in the artifact research division. Their jobs were to investigate artifacts that are not of human origin. They run tests, see what they can learn, and then try to turn it into an asset that S.H.I.E.L.D. can use."

"I remembered my mother saying I was in an accident at her work and I shouldn't have survived. It must have been from one of those artifacts. If we can figure out what, then maybe we can undertstand my powers a little better!" Looking at Tony when I finished, he didn't seem as enthusiastic as me.

"I thought the same thing however I can't seem to access a single one of the artifacts they worked on since all the files are classified, and for good reason too. This is the type of information that is dangerous if it gets leaked." I looked down at my feet a little disappointed when he finished, "Luckily for us, I'm friends with a certain director of S.H.I.E.L.D who agreed to help us look into it. We just need to give him some time."

I was so happy I jumped right on him. I hugged him as I said, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" and jumped back down in front of him.

He seemed a little surprised at first but then smiled, "Of course, you deserve it."

I began to walk over to the doorway only to realize that I didn't know where Peter exactly was.

"He's on the roof," I heard from behind me and smiled as I walked out of the doorway.

Before heading up to the roof, I took a five-minute shower and changed into shorts and a teeshirt. I opened the door to the rooftop and scanned back and forth for any sign of Peter. Not seeing him at first, I took a few steps into the middle of the roof and glanced up at the sky. Even with the light pollution, I could still see some of the stars above.

I heard a thump behind me and instinctually swung around with my fists up only to find it was just Peter in his Spidey suit. I relaxed as he pulled off his mask and walked towards me.

"I see you haven't changed much since we met," he said as I thought back to that first night on the rooftop.

"Well, you can see now why I always needed to keep my guard up," I tried to joke however the air was still a bit heavy. When Peter reached me I grabbed both of his hands. When the tips of my fingers brushed against his bare palms, I flipped his hands over to inspect them. The edges of the holes were black, obviously burned. This must have been from me...He closed his palms causing me to look up at him, however, he wouldn't make eye contact with me.

"You were a little hot back there," he said and it made my heart slowly break. I've been so wrapped up in my own emotions that I completely forgot what an emotional rollercoaster ride I must have put him through today.

I let go of his hands and wrapped my arms around his back as I whispered, "I'm sorry I scared you like that."

"No shit," was all he said as he hugged me back. He put his hands on my shoulder and pushed me back out in front of him so we were facing each other. "I was terrified!" I was a little caught off-guard at first when I saw he had tears in his eyes, however, he was doing a damn good job of trying to hide it. "I have lost way too many people that I love and when you were lying there lifeless, I had to experience what that was like all over again. Except this time was different because it felt like I had just died right there with you."

My heart was beating a mile a minute, "Wait, does that mean that you..."

"Love you? Yea and you don't have to say it back right now but the thought of-" I felt my instincts take over and placed my lips right up against his. These kinds of instincts were unknown but it felt so natural that I knew he felt the same way.

I pulled away as he slowly opened his eyes, "I love you too," I said right back. He pulled me back into the kiss as I clung to him for dear life.

He pulled back and finished what he was saying before except more quietly, "The thought of you dying again without you knowing would just about kill me."

"Lucky for you, I can't be killed that easily..."

We stayed up on that rooftop for hours just talking and enjoying each other's company. Last night's mission really put life into perspective for us. We needed to make the most of every moment we have, and I sure as hell was not letting this one go to waste.


Published: 06/22/2020

One more chapter left!!!

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