10. The Intruder

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I opened my eyes and rolled to my side in my bed, glancing over at the clock. I had been trying to go back to sleep for what felt like hours but it only read 2:45 am. I rolled back and stared up at the ceiling thinking about the day I had just had. It was the weekend again, a week since I've been here. Peter and I have pretty much hung out almost every day since I've been here. I have only known him for so little time, but I feel so comfortable around him. We had so much fun tonight too. He has been slowly introducing me to everything I've missed out on while in Hydra. Tonight he introduced video games to me and we played for hours. It got so late that he ended up just sleeping over at the tower tonight so we could hang out all day tomorrow.

I decided after a few minutes to go out on to the balcony. Maybe some fresh air will calm my mind and allow me to relax a little bit more. I sat on the couch and closed my eyes. I focused on my breathing as I steadied my pace. A minute or two went by and my eyes felt a little heavier and my heart rate was a little slower. Satisfied, I stood up off the couch and grabbed the door handle when I felt a piercing pain in my neck. As I reached up to feel, I heard someone land behind me and I quickly whipped around. I thought it was going to be Spiderman until I was met with a large man in black and a strong kick to the gut.

My body flew back through the door, shattering the glass it was made of. I lied there on the floor of my room unable to suck in a breath. I rolled on the glass shards to my side as my lung finally allowed for some air to creep in. As I gasped for air, I could hear banging coming from my bedroom door, but I was too out of breath to tell Friday to unlock the door.

I heard pieces of glass break under the man's boots as he walked closer. At the same time that I saw the Hydra symbol on his jacket, I aimed my hand at him ready to shoot out flames. As I did, he just stopped and waited, but I took no time waste. I forced the energy into my hand, however, nothing happened and he continued to walk closer. I stare back at the man terrified and he smirked like he knew what was going on. He walked forward and leaned down close to my face. I was frozen as he reached his hand up to my neck and pulled out a dart-like syringe. That had to be the pain I felt before.

"Looks like the serum works," I just stared at him in horror as he talked. He stood up, put the syringe in his pocket, and turned his back to me as he continued, "can't have Stark testing that."

He was at the door by the time I managed to say, "What did you do to me?"

He just turned his head slightly back and smirked, "I was just in charge of making sure this would work for when we're ready to come to get you."

Peter's POV

My hands were throbbing at the amount they were beating against the door. I was almost asleep when I heard the crash come from the bedroom next door. As soon as my tired mind realized it was Y/N's room, I ran over and started knocking and calling her name. She wasn't responding and the door wasn't opening for me. I knew something was wrong by the way the hairs on my arms were standing up. I stopped banging the door knowing I wasn't getting in this way. When I stopped I heard a deep, muffled voice coming from inside her room. I was about to run around to her balcony when Tony came walking down the hall.

"Mr. Stark! Something's happening in there!"

"I know kid, Friday told me there was damage to the building." He approached the door and talked to A.I., "Friday, override privacy protocol and open this door."

The door slid open and I was flooded with mixed emotions. Y/N was lying on a pile of glass propped up on her side with her other hand against her stomach. I was so relieved that Y/N was still there but I felt all this anger at the man talking in front of her.

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