15. The Heat

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Peter's POV
"Estimated time of arrival is fifteen minutes," Friday chimes in over the jet's speakers.

I took a deep breath trying to get my nerves under control. Why was I feeling like this, I've gone into battle a bunch of times before and I even have the rest of the Avengers with me.

"You heard her everyone," Tony broke the unsettling silence, "Finish getting suited up. We are detecting growing levels of radiation at Y/N's current location. They've started the final phase of their plan. Be ready."

I pulled my mask over my head. This is it.

My whole body was on fire, or at least that is what it felt like. I was sweating and shaking so bad, I didn't even notice that my restraints have been taken off. I felt my body being dragged across the floor but everything else was being drowned out by my yelling and groaning. I pried my eyes open long enough to see the glass cylinder they threw and locked me in. It was obviously connected to this weapon everyone's been talking about.

Dr. Malcolm was giving his evil villain plan speech but I was in too much agony to catch it all. This serum he gave me was intensifying my powers and I was trying my best to hold them in. Once I release my powers this weapon would turn it into a pulse that would destroy the city or at least that is what I made out.

I continued panting, sweating, and squirming as I peeked my eyes open one more time. Dr. Malcolm and every other Hydra agent left the premises. I had to try and hold it together as long as I could. I just had to pray that they were coming and would get here in time.

Peter's POV
As we moved in for the landing, Hydra agents were running off the premises.

Tony yelled, "Peter and I are the ones going in seeing that the facility is being evacuated. Peter, you focus on grabbing Y/N, and I'm gonna take out that weapon. Everyone else, take down as many Hydra agents as you can."

Everyone nodded in response. Tony grabbed me and flew us up to the roof so we didn't meet any resistance on the way.

As we landed on the roof, Friday spoke through Tony's suit, "Radiation has now reached level critical."

We peeked through the glass ceiling on the roof before entering to make sure it was clear. I spotted Y/N in a glass capsule and she looked like she was in pretty bad shape.

"There she is!" I yelled at Tony.

"We need to hurry!" he replied as he shot a blast at the glass and shattered it.

I shot a web and swung right next to the capsule she was in. With my superhuman strength, I ripped the door straight off the hinges and threw it back behind me. She was writhing around so much she didn't even notice we were there until I spoke to her.

"Hey, Y/N, it's Peter. We're gonna get you out of here." All she could do was peek her eyes open and give a little nod in response.

I picked her up bridal style and only made it a few steps before I had to put her down. She was so hot, like literally to the touch, that the palms of my gloves were singed right off. How was I supposed to get her out of there if I couldn't touch her? This was the moment I actually took a second to look at her. She was sweating and groaning. Since I put her down she had rolled onto her side and was hugging her stomach. She didn't even have the energy to lift her head off the floor. Sweat rolled off her skin and her flyaways were all sticking to her face.

"What did they do to you?" I felt useless. I didn't know what to do and I couldn't even touch her to comfort her.

"Peter," I heard her mumble, "I did it...I killed my family. I must have started the fire when I was younger," she said weakly. I didn't believe it. She must be delirious.

I heard a repulsor blast off in the distance as Tony shot at the weapon. An explosion erupted and I knew time was ticking.

"Y/N you can't think about that now. You're a good person and you can't blame yourself." I was almost telling it to myself too, thinking back to when I blamed myself for Uncle Ben's death.

When she opened her eyes this time, they were glowing red. "I'm sorry."

"Stop apologizing! You have nothing to be sorry for," I wanted to break down right then and there but I needed to hold it together, for the both of us.

"Pete, I'm not... making it... out of here," she breathed out.

"What are you talking about! I'm not leaving you here." Why did she sound like she was giving up?

"I can't... hold it in... much longer!" I could see the veins in her arms gradually growing brighter like the first time I saw her use her powers.

I heard Tony land behind me, "We need to go."

"We have to do something!" I looked around looking for Ideas.

"You need to go...It's okay," Y/N mumbled.

"What?! No, I can't do that-"

"Please," I barely heard her that time. When I looked over I could see a tear roll down her face.

Tony put a hand on my shoulder, "Kid we really need to go, she can't keep this up much longer."

She groaned as she unclasped the bracelet she got when she first got to the tower and pushed it out in front of her. She then pulled her arms back into her abdomen. Tony walked over and bent down and took it into his hand. He took a second to look at her before getting back up.

"Thank you... both of you," she whispered.

Tony nodded his head, "I only wish we could have done more." He put his hand on her shoulder for a second, his suit being able to withstand her growing temperature. He stood up and walked back behind me.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. This can't really be happening, this isn't fair. I opened my mouth searching for words but nothing came out.

"Go!!" She yelled this time and kept her eyes squeezed shut panting.

I put my hand out reflexively not caring if I got burned, however, I felt Tony's metal arm wrap around my stomach as he shot us both up and out.

"NOOOO!" It was as if the world went into slow-mo right as I said it. As soon as we were off the ground, I saw Y/N's eyes open and she gave me a soft smile as she let go and burst into flames.


Published: 6/14/2020

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