8. The Codename

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After our conversation, Tony walked me to a lab and introduced me to a man named Dr. Banner. They ran a few tests so that Tony could start working on a way to help me conceal my powers from Hydra. After some blood samples, measurements, and a demonstration of my powers, the two concluded that they had enough to work with.

We were currently walking down the hall to what was to be my new room. As we stopped in front of the door, Tony turned to me and put his hand on my shoulder. "I'm glad you decided to stay kid," he gave my shoulder a few pats and put his arm down as he finished, "you're gonna fit in here just fine."

Before I could say anything back the door behind me opened and I slowly took a few hesitant steps inside. It was at least three times the size of my room at Hydra. There was a kingsize bed with a thick gray comforter along with purple and teal throw pillows and blankets. I had my own bathroom, a large flatscreen, and a beautiful balcony with an outdoor couch.

I heard Tony's smirk in his voice when he bragged, "I kinda got a connection with the owner so I made sure you got the best of the best." I turned around and thanked him.

I opened the door to the closet and looked at the empty hangers and shelves, reminding me that I had nothing to call my own. I cheered back up as I closed the door but Tony noticed the quick change of my expression.

"Don't worry. The girls are gonna come by tomorrow and take you to get a few things for yourself."

I turned to him from across the room and smiled. "Seriously Tony, thank you for everything. I don't know how I can ever repay you for this."

"You're welcome kid," and walked into the hallway as he said, "you can repay me by helping to stop Hydra."

Right before the door closed I could hear him yell back to me as he walked away, "Oh,.. and I made sure that your room was on the west side of the building."

The door shut as I thought about why that was important until I realized I would have a front-row seat to sunsets from here on out. I smiled at the kind gesture as I walked over to the bed and flopped back onto the bed. Wow, this is really soft. This was definitely gonna take some getting used to. I grabbed one of the throw blankets and draped it over my shoulders as I walked onto the balcony. I sat on the couch huddled in the corner with my blanket as I looked up at the stars. At this very moment, I felt so calm and at peace, probably because I was able to let my guard down for the day. It was relaxing to not be the one worrying for once. I sat there and closed my eyes as I bathed in the feeling.

Peter's POV

I got off the elevator and walked towards the room that Mr. Stark said Y/N was in. I was so excited to see her after hearing she decided to stay. I looked at my watch which read, "11:02 pm". I hope she is still awake. Mr. Stark gave me this bracelet to give to her and said it's important that she wears it soon. I knocked on her door a few times but she didn't answer. I slightly peeked through the door to make sure I had the right room. The lights were on but there was no one in there. I walked into the room a little further and saw her curled into a ball on the couch outside with a teal blanket. I walked over and opened the balcony door.

She gently picks up her head at me as she whispers, "Hey." She fixes her posture and sits up a little bit.

"Hey...Did you fall asleep out here?"

She looked around at her surroundings and then back at me, "Guess so."

"I can leave if you want to go back to sleep, Mr. Stark just wanted me to bring this to you." I lifted the box I was holding in my hand.

"No...stay, I'm tired of resting. Besides I was hoping I would get to talk to you again... Come sit," as she patted the couch next to her.

As I walked over to the couch, I was overjoyed to find out that she wanted to see me. I sat down next to her and handed her the box.

"What is it?" she asked as she opened it and took the black bracelet out.

"Tony said it was to help shield your powers. When it feels you starting to heat up, it sends out a bunch of signals that will scramble any equipment that they would be using to track you. "

"So I'm guessing he filled you in on our conversation?" I just nodded in response. I felt a little guilting knowing that she didn't have a say on whether she wanted me to know about that part of her past. I was avoiding eye contact but she noticed the change in my expression. "You don't have to feel bad about knowing. If it makes you feel any better I probably would have told you first. I mean you are like the only friend I have."

While she did make me feel slightly better, I tried to look past the part where she friend-zoned me. I mean obviously, she would say that, I've only known her for a day. I continued to watch her try and latch the bracelet on her own wrist. I reached out my hands and she let me do it for her.

"So... you're gonna be staying for a while right?"

I let go of her wrist and she looked back up at me nodding, "Hopefully..."

"Well then, you're gonna need a codename."

"Huh?" she responded with a puzzled look.

"You know... like a superhero name. I'm Spiderman, Mr. Stark's is Ironman. I thought you had a codename...Firebird was it? I heard one of the-"

She cut me off and raised her voice slightly, "NO!" I froze as I watched her expression soften as she continued, "Sorry, it just definitely can't be that. That name ties me to that place, and I don't want my head to take me there every time someone calls my name."

I lean back into the couch and say, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you upset," she gave me a look as if she already knew that. "As horrible as it is, I don't think you should try to forget you're past. It helped make you into the person you are today,... and I think that person's pretty cool."

She looks down smiling, as I see a blush creep onto her cheeks. When she looks back up at me her eyes are releasing that same red glow that I saw back on the rooftop and during the fight. She must have noticed me staring cause she blinked hard a couple of times making it go away.

"Sorry," she said, "I'm working on that."

"You don't have to apologize so much... Why does that happen anyway."

"As I am sure Tony told you, I possess a large amount of energy and radiation inside me. When I feel any new or extreme levels of emotion, it will usually overflow from my eyes. I guess you could say you make me feel something that I've never felt before." She smiled and took a deep breath as she looked up at the sky. Thank god she looked away cause I could feel the heat flood into my cheeks. I joined her in staring at the stars.

After sitting there in comfortable silence for a few minutes, I looked back down at her as an Idea popped into my head. "What about Phoenix? You know, that bird on fire that is born from the ashes? I know it's kind of similar to the old one but-"

"I love it!" she yelled as she smiled at me. She leaned her head against the couch and closed her eyes. "It sounds...fitting."


Published: 4/12/2020

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