12. The Kiss

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I stared at myself in my new suit in the mirror and I looked pretty badass in it if I do say so myself. I didn't bother putting on the mask since I didn't need to hide my identity from anybody. 

I turned and looked at the room around me. I hadn't been in my room since the attack. The breeze blowing through the broken door made the curtains next to it blow across the room. As I walked closer to the door, I could hear the broken glass break under my feet. I stepped through the door and walked over to lean against the railing. I watched the sun start to go down off in the distance on the water. I felt the nerves knawing at my stomach. 

I saw Peter out of my peripheral vision slowly descend on a web hanging upside-down. He was also in his suit but wasn't wearing his mask either. I could feel him looking at me but just kept my eyes on the horizon. He turned his head in the direction of where I was looking.

He softly said, "Penny for your thoughts?" He jumped down and leaned on the railing next to me looking out in the distance too.

"The sunsets are beautiful."

"Yea, they are," Peter said, however, I could sense his eyes on me. 

I continued like I didn't notice, "It was one of the first things I did here ya know...watch the sunset with Tony. It sounds pretty dumb for something that happens every day."

He turned to me and I met his eyes this time as he talked, "Y/N I don't think it's dumb. I think you are just taking the time to appreciate the little things, something you didn't have time for before."

"Yea, you're right," I looked back out at the horizon to see the sun was already halfway down, "I never really had little things to appreciate before or a reason to pretty much appreciate anything... I just wanted to take the time to thank you tonight."

Peter's POV

"Thank me for what? You're the one that stopped the men in the alley-"

"No not for that," she cut me off and as I waited for her to keep going, I couldn't take my eyes off her. Her flyaways and pony were blowing next to her face and her glittering eyes reflected the colors of the sunset in the distance. She was effortlessly beautiful. I kept my eyes locked on her as she went on, "For everything else. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't be here right now. You are the one who got me to this point in my life and I couldn't be more grateful. You've been there to show me the little things and help me appreciate life again," she met my eyes as she finished, "So thank you, for being there for me when I needed you. My life would not be the same without you in it...Peter Parker."

I stood there speechless. My heart was beating a mile a minute. I grabbed her shoulders facing her towards me and pulled her into a hug. I hugged her tight and said, "My life would definitely not be the same without you either." 

I felt her arms creep up my back, hugging me back just as tight. I wanted this moment to last forever, just standing there on the balcony with her in my arms, watching the sunset. "It hasn't even been two weeks yet that I've known you but it feels like a lifetime. I'm glad someone took the time to get to know me, in case-"

"In case what?" I pulled her out of the embrace and held her shoulders in front of me, "Why is this sounding like a goodbye?"

She broke our eye-contact and looked at her feet, "Just in case something goes wrong later... I just wanted you to know... I guess I'm just nervous...They manage to take everything away from me and I just don't-"

"Hey," I tilted her chin up to my face. I could see she was working herself up. "Everyone gets scared, that's what makes us human. I will do everything in my power to keep you safe. If they take you, they take everything away from me too, so I just can't let that happen." I just went for it. She is right; god forbid something happens later, she needs to know how I feel. I can risk being friend-zoned but I can't risk losing her without her knowing.

When she looked up at me, I could already see the red essence leaving her eyes. She didn't try to hide it or get rid of it, just like I wasn't trying to hide the fact that my cheeks were turning five shades of red. I was getting a little nervous knowing that I was about to make this awkward if she didn't do something quick.

Luckily before I could mess anything up, she wrapped her arms around my neck and placed a soft kiss on my lips. I tensed up for a second in surprise. She peaked out of her eye and met mine which were wide with shock. Shit, she must think I'm not into it. She's gonna think I just friend-zoned her.

She quickly pulled away and let go, "I..ugh...I'm sorry...you just, reminded me what it's like to have someone-" I cut her off when my lips met hers. My one hand met the side of her face while the other wrapped around her back. I felt her arms rest on top of my shoulders as she kissed me back. It felt as if time just stood still but I could tell from the color of the sky that the sun had set and we didn't have much time left before we would have to go in. It felt as though we pulled away at the same time and just looked at each other.

Her eyes returned to normal as she started to giggle, "Guess we don't have to have that awkward convo where we confess our feelings."

I giggled back, "yea guess not". 

We didn't say it out loud, but I could tell by the way her eyes looked into mine that she felt the same way, and that was all the reassurance I needed.


Published: 4/21/2020

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