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Working out is hard.

If you lie working out, congratulations but it is hard! Espcially for someone like me who's 5'8, and 220 pounds of fat. I don't even think there's a single muscle on me.

I properly worked out today for the first time in...months, maybe even years. I did the what I like to call now, the 18 challenge. You must down 18 burpees, then 18 step-ups; 9 with each foot (or reverse) for 18 minutes. You can't go back to one unless you've completed another.

After warming up, I was ready to start, so I did! And about five burpees in I became exhausted, I had troubles getting up into the jump but, I got there in the end. I moved on to the step-ups and crushed them. It took me no time at all to do them!

But then it was back onto the burpees, but again, three or four in, my arms were killing me and the wooden floor of my basement beneath me was becoming slipper from my sweat.

I don't know how long it took me to do the second set of burpees, but it ate up most of the time, because once I crushed the step-ups a second time, my 18 minutes were up and I was beat.

I got two sets done and I was beat. Still am a few hours later.

I'll try and keep up with them, see how much better I get.

Try this out for yourself at home; how many did you get?

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