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Yes, I know this is a few days late but better late than never, right?

This week hasn't been great. First of all, school started, so that sucks, but that was the catalyst for everything that happened.

1) Eating hasn't been great, I've been awake longer in the day and therefore have been hungrier much longer. I have more free time than usual so that means less regulated eating times.

2) Because I've been going to school, I haven't been working as much (only twice a week now) so my physical exercise has diminished slightly, however Zumba is returning on Thursdays in a couple weeks so I will be able to do that. I have been going on frequent walks, but I don't think that's enough.

3) My sleep schedule is all kinds of fucked up. I try to go to bed at a reasonable time every night but I believe my body is still on "night shift" mode so I only get 3-5 hours at night. That means I am gassed near the end of the day and take naps at around 5-8pm every day, and because of that I am too awake when it comes to bed time which means I don't get much sleep. And from there, the cycle continues.

I need another week or so to get used to this awkward schedule so I can better regulate my sleeping, eating and exercise.

I think gained weight this week. I am almost certain I did but last time I said that I lost weight, so I have no idea anymore.

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