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I sat at the kitchen table and just daydreamed. Or maybe I contemplated? I can't quite be sure at this point with myself. I often find myself just lost in thought. And i think that's probably my worst enemy...

I can't quite tell if what I'm doing is actually right. If where i am is where i need to be, though i still have yet to even fully know where i'm even headed to.
I just hopped on a train with my wallet, my gold chain, and an unmatched emptiness. Letting the train take me as far as it could go. When I got off I just walked. Walked the streets of Helena, Montana apparently? Didn't really care where i was walking to, maybe i would figure that out within the process.. I don't know. That was when I saw her...
Long brown hair to her shoulders, beautiful blue eyes that caught the attention of mine, innocence in her step, soft cream skin that glowed with youth. I found myself walking behind her. All the way to her house...

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