Authors note

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Fill the void is meant to be a psychological thriller that allows for the reader to think a little more critically. Every detail matters! You may have quite a few questions that come up while reading this, but look at every single detail because some of them have hidden answers. That's the fun in  reading a psychological thriller. It engages your mind far beyond the surface of the words on each page. 

I decided to tell this story through Daniel's perspective and no one else's to leave room for the future. To leave the open possibility for this story to continue. Not only that but to also challenge emotions within and the mental health of men. The goal is for the reader to build an emotional connection with Daniel while at the same time questioning the actions he takes. Asserting the importance of having to understand someone of his position on an emotional level before you can understand them on a psychological one. 

There are plenty of mind bending twist and turns that will leave you wondering, plenty of moments that will shock you, plenty of moments that may even pull on some heart strings, plenty of moments that will leave your mind questioning everything you read before, but overall with this piece I want the reader to have fun with it. Explore many possibilities, draw your own conclusions, and VISUALIZE, VISUALIZE, VISUALIZE. So many of the scenes are purposely written out just for the reader to be able to put themselves right there in it! 

Feel free to go back in the story! Check past details! Make connections! Draw conclusions! Because I guarantee you will have some questions if you have made it to this point! 

And I would be lying if I said that wasn't part of the purpose in writing this piece :-)

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