Chapter 3: November 24th, 1993

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After Alana's funeral nothing was the same.They never found the motherfucker who took her. I don't quite know what became of her friends but I do know the severity of everyone's emotions. Jordan's parents told me he couldn't sleep for weeks. Nikki's parents told me she couldn't go back to school anymore. I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep, I couldn't do anything. Joanna and I hadn't been speaking. Or at least I hadn't been speaking to her. From time to time there was the occasional apology flood full of tears. Though every time she spoke it just reminded me of how much I hated her. She wanted to try to work it out. She said that we needed to be there for each other during a time like this.


I found myself one night sitting against the wall in my room fumbling through the thousand words encapsulated into the photos before me, tears endlessly streaming down my face.


Her birth:

"So Daniel?" Joanna looked at me warmly.

She held our fresh born little girl in her arms and just stared. Those big beautiful brown eyes just illuminated the whole room. I put my hand on her little face and pinched her cheek slightly. I could see my mother's face in hers. My heart was full.

"Did you decide on a name yet honey? You pleaded up and down to choose the first name."


"Alana? That's beautiful. I was scared you would pick something horrible!"

We both laughed softly.

Oh and what did you have in mind as a backup?


Georgia Jacobs? Are you insane?

She laughed hysterically.

"I didn't have a backup goofball. I would be happy with whatever you came up with. I knew you wouldn't settle for anything less than a beautiful name for a beautiful girl."

I leaned in and kissed her. She looked into my eyes with warmth. I motioned her to move over and got into the hospital bed with her. We both just stared. Stared at the beauty before us. And that beauty stared back.

"I do want to know...what made you decide on Alana?"

Well... Im Daniel Jacobs..she's gonna be Alana Jacobs.. DJ and AJ are a dangerous duo!

"Oh my God. You are the LAMEST person on this PLANET!"

We both threw our heads back in laughter. When I looked back down at Alana...

She had the tiniest little smile on her face.


Her 16th birthday:

AJ! You need to come downstairs right now! NOW!

She trotted down the stairs and swung into the living room.

"What did i do daddy?" She said innocently.

I couldn't help but crack a smile, she returned it.

You're so full of crap 'what did i dooo daddddy'!

We both threw our heads back in laughter.

"Welllll am i in trouble or not?!"

She came and sat down next to me on the couch. Joanna slid into the living room and joined us.

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