3-- Nya Discovery (April 25, 2020)

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Nya was staring at Lloyd and Kai have fun with each other. She saw them blushing a lot, and how they went out of their ways to talk to each other. She started getting ideas... but she had to check. She asked Kai and Lloyd their opinions on each other. Her conclusion was probably not shocking to you guys cause it was obvious, but it was shocking for her.

--Time Rewind--

Nya's POV

I've been noticing lately Kai and Lloyd have been acting weird, especially around each other. I've decided to conduct an experiment.

I called Lloyd and Kai to the front room, then asked them to follow me into my room one at a time.

--With Lloyd--

(No more POV)

Nya asks Lloyd to list things he thinks he likes about Kai. Lloyd replies with this list:
"Well, I like him... here's what I specifically like.
-his hair
-his voice
-his face
-his strength
-his cooking
-the way he dresses
-his attitude
-his face
-his fire
-the way he almost never lies
his...well, everything!"

Nya then asks Lloyd to list things he doesn't like about Kai, or things he thinks Kai could change. He replies, "nothing! Kai is too amazing to have any flaws!" "Hmmm..." says Nya, who has been writing everything down. "Could Kai be described as perfect, in your opinion?" She asks.

"Of course!" Lloyd replies. "As I said, Kai has no flaws. He's perfect." Nya hmms in thought, then says, "I think I have enough information. Thank you for your input!" And tells Lloyd he is free to go. Lloyd leaves.

Nya then asks Kai to enter the room. Before they can ask any questions, it was training time.

Nya said, "Kai, we'll get back to this later. Let's go train." The two ninja left to train.

Nya caught Lloyd staring at Kai again. Nya was hiding on a dummy that no-one was using when she spotted it-- Kai was whispering to Cole about something. Ha, I can do this. I'm a great lip reader. Let's see what they're saying...

Nya found the words 'Lloyd' and 'confess' and 'like him a lot' in Kai's whispers. She gasped as she quickly wrote it down. She was caught by Jay coming to ask her to spar.

"Hey Nya--" he said, then cut himself off as he noticed she was taking notes, watching Kai. "Uhhh... what are you doing?" He asked. Nya jumped a little in surprise and turned around to see Jay. "Uhh... nothing." She quickly hid the notebook and asked, "what did you want?"

"Just to spar" he said. "Whatcha doin'?" "Nothing. Let's go."

--after training--

Kai came to Nya to talk. "So, uh... Nya, you wanted to talk to me earlier?" "Hm? Oh, yeah. Just give me a minute." When Nya was ready she took kai into her room for questioning.

--with Kai--

Nya asks Kai what he likes about Lloyd. Kai replies, with a list, "I like him a lot. But if you wanna know specifically what I like about him," Nya nods, "then you better prepare for a list because this may take a while." Nya nods, perfectly fine with this. Anything to figure out what's wrong with my brother and Lloyd. She thinks. It's probably something simple like they like each other. That's my assumption. But I need to check. She prepares for a long list.

"He's cute, his voice, his great leadership, how he's always so nice to everyone, he is cute, he is strong, he has a green suit, I love green, I know you didn't think I did, I do, and he's cute. Anything else?"

Nya says, "uh... you said he's cute like 3 times..." Kai blushed as he realized his mistake. "Oops! Uh... well whatever." Nya rolls her eyes and moves on. "Is there anything, in your opinion, that you would change about Lloyd? That you don't exactly like about him?"

"Of course not! Lloyd is flawless. He's Lloyd!" Answers Kai. "Hmmm... the same answer..." Nya mumbles under her breath, not loud enough for Kai to hear. "Okay," she says, loud enough. "Last question. Would you describe Lloyd as, Perfect, in your opinion?"

Kai answers the same answer, "yes, as I said, he's flawless," and Nya decides it's time to draw her conclusion. She tells Kai he can leave, and he does so. Nya sits on her desk, tying the strings. (That was an idiom, she was not tying actual strings, it means she was thinking, connecting the dots, etc. Just clarifying okay bye now<3)

Once she reaches her conclusion, she gasps, shocked at the realization. "Kai and Lloyd... like each other!"

--with the others--
(Kai and Lloyd not included)

Nya told the others what she found. "Guys, Kai and Lloyd like each other. And I dont think they realize they have affections for each other, seeing as how they dont treat each other like lovers, only as friends. But I can tell, by the way they care for each other." She says. The ninja gasp. Well, all except for Lizzie. She rolls her eyes, "well, duh. It was kind of obvious." Cole glares at her. "Man, you love to be a spoilsport, don't you?" "I'm not a man, Cole, I'm a girl. And treat me like it, or I'll tell Sensei." She threatens. "Ooh, a tattletale! What am I gonna do, I'm so scared!😜😆" he mocks. "Grrrr, you little--" Lizzie starts. Nya breaks them up before it ends up in a real fight.

Kai was in the kitchen cooking. Lloyd was in the game room, playing Minecraft. (Please don't sue me). Kai calls out to tell everyone diner's ready. (Don't worry, Kai's cooking isn't crap, unlike Cole's. His cooking is actually decent. Oh god I really hope Cole didn't hear me-- bye everyone! I'm going to go get killed by Cole now! -runs away-)

The ninja go to the dining room to have dinner. Kai gives everyone their plates. He hands Lloyd's extra gentleman-y. "Great food for a great person!" Lloyd giggles and blushes, then once everyone has their plates everyone eats.

Lloyd and Kai spend the meal staring at each other again. Nya takes this opportunity to talk to the others. "Should we tell them?" She asks. "I think maybe they should just find out themselves." Says Jay. "That's what me and Lizzie did, and now we're dating!" (Lol sorry for all the Jaya fans, but since this is my book I can do whatever i want)Lizzie and Jay cuddle happily. "Yeah, maybe we should just let them figure it out."

Kai looks up long enough to notice the ninja talking. "Uh, hey, what's going on?" The ninja quickly switch discussions to prevent the secret getting out to Kai and Lloyd, because as they had unanimously decided, the two need to figure it out on their own.

"Mmm, these potatoes are great." Says Cole, eating a forkful of the scalloped nightshade. (A nightshade is a type of vegetable for those of you who don't know. Potatoes are in the nightshade family, and I wanted to sound fancy and professional. I think it didn't work though...) the other ninja nod in agreement, all eating the potatoes. Kai smiles happily, "yep! Scalloped potatoes are my specialty!" He nods and goes back to looking at Lloyd.

"It's decided then. We will let Kai and Lloyd figure out by themselves that they like each other." Says Nya, nodding to each of them. The ninja nod in agreement.

Word count 1258 (very long)

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