8-- The Attack (part 2) (July 3, 2020)

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Remember the last chapter when Lloyd came crashing into Kai's room to tell him something but then we cut off and looked over to the other ninja? Well here you go the answer to the cliffhanger you've all (or maybe not) been waiting for!

Kai asked Lloyd to sit on his bed and explain everything to him. Lloyd walks over and sits down, while Kai sits on the bedside chair.

"I know this seems crazy but..." says Lloyd, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "I love crazy." Replies Kai.
Lloyd laughs and starts singing. "All my life has been a series of doors in my-- OKAY NAH."

He laughs and falls over and Kai does the same. "Okay, but seriously." He says, wiping a tear from his eye. "Okay for real. So, a few nights ago I was getting a glass of milk, cause I couldn't sleep, right?" Kai nods. "And while I was going back to my room I saw your sister's notebook the counter. I figured, hey, this might be fun to read, cause I was like really tired and stuff" Kai continues nodding.

"So I went over and I picked it up and I was like "let's read the latest entry" cause duh. So when I flipped over and read the notes, I saw that they were from when Nya asked us all those questions about, well, something, for me she asked me what do I like about you or something.

"So I read it, apparently she asked you the same question so that made me think that something's up so when I go and read the conclusion I saw that she had written down "my hypothesis was correct; Lloyd and Kai like each other" and of course I didn't believe it but when I went back to bed that night I couldn't sleep. My mind was buzzing with that sentence.

"So I've been wanting to ask you about it." Lloyd finishes with a breath, which he follows with "how do you think about this?"

Kai answers, "well... I think it's ridiculous. Absolutely absurd." Because you don't like me back, he thinks. That's impossible. Lloyd nods. "Yeah, that's total nonsense!" Because you only think of me as a friend.

"Well, " he said, standing up and heading for the door, "it was worth a shot. See you later, mate." He leaves the room leaving Kai alone by himself.

Kai thought about that for a long time. If it's true... Could Lloyd like me?? No, that's ludicrous.

Lloyd and Kai were in their rooms thinking about this when the alarm goes off. WEEP WEEP WEEP WEEP WEEP WEEP! Kai runs over to the bridge to answer the alarm. "Bridge, what's going on?"

The bridge responds "Incoming call from Nya." Kai gasps. "Answer!" he presses the speaker button so Lloyd would hear it from his room. 

"Hello? Kai? Lloyd? Anyone?" says the speaker. Lloyd gasps and runs over to the bridge. "We're here, Nya! What's wrong? Is...is something happened?" "er...yeah... I think you may want to come over..."

~Meanwhile in the city again~ (time rewind)

When Nya, Zane, Jay, Cole and Lizzie made it to the city they went straight to the heart of the mess-- Borg Tower. wow that place just canNOT catch a break, can it?? XD

"well, it looks like we made it. Let's see," says Nya, picking up her map of the tower. "It seems like most of the problem is coming from the 3rd and 4th floors." Cole ruins ahead to the door. "well, then, what are we waiting for? Let's go!!" "Hey, wait up!!!"

--In the tower--

"Phew! we finally made it!" says Jay, panting. "Well, maybe it would have been faster if you hadn't insisted on climbing all those stairs!! Why couldn't we have just used the elevator?" complains Cole, bickering with Jay was the norm for these two. "Both of you, quiet!" hushes Nya, looking around the corner. "There are some of those... hey wait a minute... those don't look like Fangpyres! Those look like..."

"Trickfangs." finishes Zane. "A special type of serpentine not indigenous to this environment. Trickfangs typically hang around forests and caves and only threaten humans (dude your not humans your legos) when there is a problem in their tribes. Trickfangs can play with others' minds, tricking them into working for them; hence the name Trickfangs." "Woah! sounds cool!" says Jay, looking around the corner to see. The Trickfangs had brown scales and large teeth that glistened like a silver moon. They were kind of cool, not gonna lie. One of them was large, larger than the others and had special patterns on her head. "Must be the general," says Cole.

"Wow!! a female general??" Says Lizzie. "Now that's cool!" "No time for oogling over serpentine, you two! we need to know what they're up to!" Says Nya, hushing them both.

"One question, though. Why did bridge mistake these Trickfangs, for Fangpyres??" asks Cole. "I mean they look nothing similar. Even I had some second thoughts that these were Fangpyres." "I don't know. Maybe because some of them are red, and they do kinda look like Fangpyres," answers Zane.

"Anyway, those Trickfangs have ray guns. I need to know what kind of ray guns they are!" he says, turning the corner. The Trickfangs were still distracted, so this gave Zane enough time to analyze all there was to the situation. "Hm...I see..." What?? WHAT????" Asks Jay, trying to turn the corner to see.

"Jay, get back! We can't let them see us!" replies Zane, pushing him against the wall. "I don't know what, but they want something with Cyrus Borg. Those ray guns supposedly can help in their cause of turning people to helping them. The way they o this is peculiar, though. It seems like they do something to them almost like...brainwashing." "WOOOOW!!!!!! THAT'S SUPER COOL!!" answers Jay, turning the corner again. "Get back, Jay!"

"I don't think these Trickfangs are what they seem. I think we may need backu--"

"Well, well. What do we have here? Ninja? I heard about you. What do you want??" Says the general. "gulp. I think she's behind you..." says Jay, pointing to behind Zane. He turns around and says, "You don't scare me! We know what you are trying to do! You want Cyrus Borg, don't you?"

"Actually, no. We don't need Cyrus. What we need," she says, stretching out the Eeee in need, "Is to find out who's been filling our forest with smog. We can hardly breathe out there!"

She turns her head to Cyrus. "I believe that he's the culprit. He has been making all these useless machines, filling our forest with unbreathable smog, ruining our lakes and rivers, and we can't even retreat to our caves because we have been, for some reason, exiled from the serpentine cave. They locked up the entrances and made sure every last one of us Trickfangs were kept out forever. That may be why you've never seen us."

"So we're here to right your wrongs and make our only refuge habitable again," she says, turning her head back toward the ninja as Cyrus Borg cowers. "what you're doing is wrong! Cyrus probably had nothing to do with any of this!" Says Nya, speaking up. "Oh, by the way, what's your name?"

"My name is Growler," she says. "No explanation needed for that name!" whispers Jay. "It's obvious why she was named that." Cole laughs. "And YOU need to SHUT UP!!!!" says Growler, picking up Jay and Cole by their necks and throwing them to the other side of the hallway. Nya, Zane and Lizzie gasp. "jay! are you okay?" shouts Lizzie, running over, but Growler stops her. "Oh, no you don't!" She picks up Lizzie by her hair. "Ow!!!! hey, do you have any idea how long it took me to grow that?? that's 16 years of not cutting my hair out the window!!"

"Don't care!" says Growler, throwing Lizzie to the hallway with Cole and Jay. Zane tries to freeze Growler. "Oh, you guys are SO annoying!! not to mention weak!" Growler pushes Zane away, brushes off his snow, which was a frivolous attempt at making ice, and when Nya tried fighting she simply grabbed a towel and mopped it up. "Man, you guys are pathetic."

"Uh... Nya? I think we may need some help." "Don't worry, I've got Kai and Lloyd on the ringer. They should answer in just a moment."

ring ring.

ring ring.

ring ring.

"We're here, Nya! What's wrong? is... has something happened?" answers Lloyd. "Uh... We...may need backup." Nya answers.

to be continued...

Yay!!! another chapter! well, that's that! Oh, and I did tell @Oliaxa some spoilers, but she's been sworn to secrecy. She will not tell u anything, right?

Anyway, that's gonna be it for now.

Thanks for trading, and as always, don't forget to vote if you like it and ill see you later!

word count: 1467

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