4-- The Reason (April 30, 2020)

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Time rewind drastically (like, just after Lloyd is a grown-up like the rest of the ninja.)

???'s POV

I was watching from the shadows, waiting for the perfect time to strike.  I watched Kai and Lloyd talking to each other, and I thought, remembering all the fan-fics I read (😏) and how much I enjoyed the greenflame ship, I thought, those two really are perfect for each other. I guess all the fangirls were right after all.

I pulled back my bow, aiming for Kai. TWOING. The arrow hit. Next, I aimed for Lloyd. TWOING. The arrow hit. Perfect.

The two jumped a little in surprise, and when they were done being weirdos, they looked at each other and blushed. Ah, it worked. Mission accomplished.😏

I spoke into my little communicator, "Operation greenflame is a go. Time to hide the evidence." The microphone beeped, signaling the general got the message. "Nice job, Coraline. Now, if everything's okay on your end, we need you back." The microphone beeped again. "Yes, ma'am." The microphone beeped once more, and I forged a teleportal to the realm of love and perfect matches.

Operation greenflame, accomplished.

Thanks for watching!
I hope you enjoyed reading this! Now that you have a reasonable reason, I hope you'll blame Coraline (the cupid) for whenever their love gets in the way of something, cause that's what I would do.😄
Thanks, and once more, please dont forget to vote if you like this story, and I'll make more if I ever get a decent idea.
This chapter was inspired by my sister saying, during a chapter she was helping me proof-read, saying "huh, guess Kai and lloyd were struck by Cupid's arrow" so, here we are.
Word count: 295

Do You Feel The Same Way I Do? - Greenflame (OLD OLD VERSION DO NOT READ)Where stories live. Discover now