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What's the Matter Here?10,000 Maniacs

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What's the Matter Here?
10,000 Maniacs

That young boy without a name I'd know his face
In this city the kid's my favorite
I've seen him I see him every day
Seen him run outside looking for a place to hide from his father

The kid half naked and said to myself "Oh, what's the matter here?"
I'm tired of the excuses everybody uses, he's their kid I stay out of it
But who gave you the right to do this?

》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚《

!Warning: Slurs, Abuse!

Richie's POV (for once)

"Dad stop. Please!", I pleaded, he grabbed me by the neck, pushing me into the wall.

"I will not raise a fag of a son!", he yelled, spitting on my face. I grimaced, as he punched me in the right cheek.

"Do you hear me?!", choking me even harder, to where it would surly leave bruises. "Went stop.", I heard my mom plead.

"Shut the hell up Maggie, I have a no good for nothing family.", I knew he had been drinking, he's always been like this when he's drunk.

"No, either you get out of this house now and leave, or I will call the cops.", Maggie yelled, phone in her hand. "Call the cops, I don't fucking care. I need to show my son not to be a worthless fag.", I whimpered.

"I will always be gay, no matter what you say. Eddie loves me...", he pushed on my neck harder to where I could barley breath, "... and I love him." I choke out.

"No you will not. You are a disgrace to this family. You hear me? A disgrace!", He yelled, centimeters from my face, punching me in my stomach. I hunched over, spitting out the bile that had subsided in my mouth.

"Your a fucking disgrace, not me dad.", I got out, still in pain from the blow to the stomach. I looked and saw my mom on the phone, I knew she was calling the cops.

We heard sirens from down the street but that didn't stop Went from beating me left and right. After a few minutes of him punching and kicking me, we heard running down the hall.

"Open up now!", I knew Eddie was probably scared to death at this point from his apartment room. Maggie has quickly made her way to the door opening it up, where cops came rushing in grabbing Went off of me who was still punching me on the ground.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Eddie with his mouth covered by his hands, sobbing. I leaned my head towards him, and gave him a weak smile. I didn't want him to see me like this. This was the worst he's ever gotten me.

"Hey, hey. Your okay, I'm here right now.", Eddie has made his was towards me, kneeling down. "Thank you.", I whispered.

I watched as the cops handcuffed my dad, dragging him out of the room as he yelled profanities at us. "Hey, lets get you cleaned up okay?" I nodded, he help me sit up, pulling me into the bathroom. "I'm sorry I wasn't there to help."

I shake my head, furrowing my eye brows, "You couldn't have been, you didn't know." I groaned, he grabbed my face tenderly rubbing his thumb across a bruise.

"I'll be back, I need to go get my supplies.", I nodded and as he left the room, I stood up and looked into the mirror. I cringed, as I saw my face.

I had a black eye, blood coming from my nose, cuts scattered everywhere, and a swollen lip. I slowly lifted my shirt, to see bruises coloring my skin a pretty purple, blue and yellow. I looked up to see Eddie in the doorway looking at me sadly. He grabbed my arms putting me on the toilet seat.

"Alright, Let me clean your face. It might hurt.", I nodded letting him stand between my legs. I grimaced from the peroxide cleaning my cuts. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I know it's gonna hurt."

I scrunched my face up, "It's okay baby." I grabbed his hips, rubbing his sides with my thumbs carefully to calm him down, letting him know I'm okay.

After a few minutes of cleaning my face and him putting spider-man bandaids on the bigger cuts, he moved down to my stomach. "Can I lift it up?", he asked carefully.

"Yeah.", he slowly lifted up my shirt, lightly touching my bruises and ribs. "I don't think you broke anything, just bruised."

I smiled, "Thanks Dr. K." he rolled his eyes, getting closer to my stomach and chest. He looked up at me for some kind of consent, so I nodded.

He started to kiss each and every bruise and cut lining my stomach, making his way to my neck where bruises were forming from my dad choking me, then up to my face kissing each cut and bruise. I breathlessly laughed, before he got to my lips, kissing me with much love.

"I love you so much, and I hate when you get hurt.", his eyes started to water, as a single tear ran down his cheek. I wiped it off with the pad of my thumb, "He's gone now. No more getting hurt for me." I smiled, pecking his lips before my mom came into the room.

"Hey, are you alright?", she asked quietly. "Yeah, Dr. K here fixed me up good." she shook her head, rolling her eyes. "Well, I'm glad you were here Eddie."

"Yeah me too.", I said, and looked up at him, hugging his waist close to me. He just giggled. My heart melts every time I hear that damn giggle come out of his mouth. Oh, when birds fly.

He ran his hands through my hair, putting a kiss on top of my head. "Come on lets get you to bed." I groaned as he lifted me up to stand, helping me to bed.

"Come here, I wanna cuddle." , I said opening my arms. He carefully sat farther away from me than I had liked. "No, your not gonna hurt me, come on."

I pulled his back into my chest, he flipped over so we were facing each other. I smiled and he smiled back pecking my nose. Soon, his face turned into worry, "Why did he do that?" Eddie asked quietly.

I shrugged, "I might've came out to them. I knew it wasn't going to be the best with my dad, but I had to tell them sooner or later." he nodded, and understood. He always understood. When he came out to Sonia, she didn't take it to lightly. But over the years, she had come to learn that nothing will change who he loves and doesn't love.

"Come on lets go to sleep.", I said, running my hand through his honey brown curls. "Okay." he said, then he started to sing quietly. It was always me who sang, but this time his angelic voice decided to lull me to sleep. I had fallen more in love with this boy, and nothing would ever change that.

"You, that fills my life with laughter. You, my favourite freak. You my, you're my snorkel all the times that I can't breathe. You count down the days, and I spend most of them feeling stressed. But I know that we'll look back and long for this"

Yeah, we will look back and long for this. But right now, I want to spend this time with the one I love.


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