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GoldenHarry Styles

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Harry Styles

》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚《

"Hello New York!! I hope you guys are doing fanominal!", Richie yelped through the microphone, resulting in a burst of cheers from the crowd. "I'm so happy to be here, and I'm glad you guys came!"

I smile backstage as I watch his talk to everyone. He seems so happy out there, alive and energetic. It makes me happy.  I'm also glad we're back in New York. I can see my mom finally after like more than a year.

"Alright, so the first song is something I wrote for this person I love very dearly.", I see him smile at me, I roll my eyes and smile back. I haven't heard his songs yet since he won't let me listen to them. This will be my first time.

"It's called, Golden.", he smiled and looked at me again before going to sing.

"Hey! Golden, golden, golden as I open my eyes. Hold it, focus, hoping. Take me back to the light, I know you were way too bright for me. I'm hopeless, broken, so you wait for me in the sky. Browns my skin just right.", he sings, a smile still on his face.

"You're so golden. You're so golden. I'm out of my head, and I know that you're scared, because hearts get broken.", I play with my hands as I sway to the lyrics he sings.

"I don't wanna be alone. I don't wanna be alone when it ends. Don't wanna let you know I don't wanna be alone, but I, I can feel it take a hold. I can feel you take control of who I am and all I've ever known. Loving you's the antidote.", he looks over at me again and smiles wide, making me smile once more. My heart flutters at the lyrics, knowing they're about me.

"Golden. You're so golden, I don't wanna be alone. You're so golden. You're so golden. I'm out of my head, and I know that you're scared, because hearts get broken.", I remember that day a few weeks ago when I was scared I wasn't enough. Now, I know I'm golden, and he's made for me.

"I know that you're scared, because I'm so open.", he sings his heart out, feeling the lyrics.

"You're so golden. I don't wanna be alone. You're so golden. You're so golden. You're so golden. I'm out of my head, and I know that you're scared, because hearts get broken.", he ends the song, which makes the stadium erupt in cheers. I smile, as he jumps up and down laughing.

Many songs later, he does a q&a with the crowd. He sits on a stool on stage, and everyone passes a microphone around.

One girl asks, "Where are you from?" Richie laughs, answering back, "Here actually, this is my lovely hometown." Which makes people erupt in another wave of cheers.

Another girl asks, "Who do you keep looking at off stage?" My face goes red, and Richie laughs at how the crowd cheers. "Well, if he will come out I will show you."

Richie waves at me to come out. I shake my head, I'm definitely not going out into a crowed of thousands of people. "Come on Eds it's okay.", he coos into the microphone.

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