3| And They Danced All Night

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Taurus stood patiently at the side of the gymnasium in hopes one of her friends would show up. She had persuaded Cancer to come--against his better judgement-- and she assumed Capricorn would arrive after putting so much work into it. Taurus knew Gemini would come on request of his girlfriend, who seemed sweet enough to Taurus, if not a bit shallow. Sagittarius and Libra, however, were wild cards and the only ones Taurus was unsure about. Libra didn't like doing anything with people (Taurus noted it as not doing anything fun), and Sagittarius had broken her leg severely, although she hadn't resigned from singing.

Taurus wore an emerald green dress, one she had inherited from her oldest sister, that was above the knees and sleeveless. Her hair had been partially pinned up, something she had been continuously fiddling with throughout the afternoon. She was actually excited for the dance for once because she figured she actually had some friends to hang out with. The minutes ticked on, however, each one slower than the last as her anxiety began to sky rocket. 

As she slowly began to retract to the back of the gym, she bumped into a familiar body. When she turned around, it was Cancer on his way to get a bottle of water. Taurus sighed in relief.

"Hey, stranger," she mocked. "Where have you been?"

Cancer straightened out his baby blue bowtie. "I was outside with Capricorn. We saved you a seat, but were starting to think you ditched us as one of your stupid pranks."

Taurus was taken aback immediately. "My pranks aren't stupid, they're underappreciated for their time."

Cancer scoffed, but his eyes glinted with humor. "Tell that to Miss Snaffuse. She got a little blue after your last prank."

"If she didn't wanted her skin to be stained blue, she shouldn't have given us a huge packet of homework," Taurus defended herself. She crossed her arms as Cancer let out a soft laugh.

"Whatever you say, Taurus," Cancer said, shaking his head. "Wanna come with me outside? It's quieter out there anyways."

Taurus nodded. The two of them walked together and bought a couple of waters from the table, before making their way outside and taking a seat by Capricorn.  She was dressed entirely in fuchsia pink, including her hijab.  It complimented her complexion well and her winged eyeliner brought out her eyes beautifully, highlighting their round shape perfectly. To Taurus' surprise, she looked delighted to be at the dance, despite the fact that the student body president had been taking all of the credit for what they had done. 

"Oh, good! You found Taurus," Capricorn said, smiling. "I'm glad you could make it."

Taurus nodded furiously. "Are you kidding me? I wouldn't miss it for the world! We worked so hard and it came out so pretty!'

As the three of them nodded in agreement, a fourth voice chimed in from behind them.

"Broke a few bones in the process, though." The three turned around to see Sagittarius on crutches. 

Cancer and Taurus spoke at the same time, while Capricorn pulled out a chair for Sagittarius. 

"Oh my god, are you okay?" Cancer asked, shrinking away from the cast.

"Can I sign it?" Taurus asked, pointing at her large cast.

Sagittarius shrugged and and pulled a sharpie out from her dress pocket. Taurus leaned down and wrote her name in giant letters, causing Sagittarius to frown. 

"What about other people?" Sagittarius asked, taking a seat.

"They were too late." Taurus shrugged and returned to her seat. 

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