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Estella's POV

I walked into the library again. I needed to get my grade up for calculus or I'm fucked.

I walk over to the shelves labeled 'math'. I take a book out, run it over and read the back.

"Nope" I whisper to myself and put the book back on the shelf. I keep looking at the books u til I lock eyes with... a boy. I give him a small smile and look back at the books.

"New here?" I hear someone say. I look up.

"Uh, yeah" I reply to him. He had very light blonde hair. Kind of like a surfer dude. He had blue eyes as well. He gets taken by surprise once I speak.

"You have an accent" he smiles. I chuckle lightly.

"Yeah, I do" I look at the book and take it, "It was nice talking to you"

"Wait" He says, "I didn't get your name."

"Estella. What about you?"


"It was nice talking to you... Caden." He smiles as I walk off.

I turn around and see Ethan sitting on a couch, a book in his hands and a tooth pick in his mouth. He looked at me dead in the eye. His jaw was clenched. Almost like he was... mad?

I roll my eyes and walk to the desk to check out my book.

"Have a nice day" the old lady tells me, handing back my book. I give her a smile and head toward the doors. Before I reach it someone grabs my wrist. I turn around.

"What?" I try to leave his grasp but he makes it tighter.

"Who's that boy?" Ethan asks me.

"Why do you care?" I give a devilish smile.

"Just wondering" He looks away. I chuckle.

"His names Caden—"

"I know who the fuck he is. Don't go near him, Estella—"

"Or what?" I cut him off, "and why?"

"He's bad news—"

"Your bad news, Ethan." I take my hand out and walk away.
I sit there, thinking: how could Caden be bad news? Why the hell does Ethan care? It's not like I'm gonna date Caden...

"Estella, tell me, what's the answer?" Mr. Duby says. I snap out of my thoughts.

"Uuhhh, -38x" I reply.

"Wrong" Mr. Duby says. The whole class laughs lightly. I furrow my brows, "It's -37x"

I roll my eyes and lean back on my chair. 

Harlow, Brooke and Emly went over to my house. Harlow was talking about a party being held tonight.

"We should totally go!" Brooke exclaims.

"I-I don't know guys—" I start

"Don't be a party pooper, Estella." Emly cuts me off.


It was held by a random girl. I think her name was Britney. Ew, I don't like that name.

We walk up to the house.

"This is HUGE" Harlow says, "Lets go!"

We all parted ways. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a cup.

"Hey stranger" I hear someone behind. I turn around.

"Hi Caden" I smile to him.

"Here" Caden takes my cup and gives me a different one, "Take this. Its like a strawberry vodka." I shrug and take a sip of it. I widen my eyes.

"That's so good!" I keep drinking.

"Let's dance?" He asks me. I nod.


We were dancing for 10 minutes already. I felt dizzy. I start wobbling.

"Estella? Are you okay?" Caden says.

"I feel dizzy" I say, panting.

"Let's take you upstairs." He grabs my arms and brings me to a bed room.

He lays me on a bed. He closes the door.

"W-What are y-you doing?" I ask him. He starts taking off his pants. I don't know if I was delusional or if I was about to get raped.

"HELP!" I say.

"Ssssh" he covers my mouth. Tears started falling down my face.

I then hear the door open.

"GET THE HELL OFF HER!" I start hearing punches and grunt. My eyes sight start getting blurry. Then it went black.

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