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Estellas POV

I woke up in a bed that was NOT FUCKING MINE. I get up but my head starts pounding immediately.

"Don't move" Someone says. I look up, holding my head.

"What the hell happened" I ask him. Ethan walks towards me, water and a pill in his hand.

"I'll explain later. Just, take these." He hands me the pill and I drink it down, "You should get rest." He walks away but I grab his wrist.

"We didn't sleep in the same—"

"No. We didn't. I slept in the guest bedroom." He cuts me off. I sigh in relief.

"Tell me what happened." I say sternly. He sighs and sits down on a chair next to the bed.

"You uh, almost got... raped" My heart drops when he said that.


"But don't worry, nothing happened. I came in before he could do anything to you."

"You were there?" I ask him. He nods, rubbing his neck.

"After I took care of him, I brung you to my house. Harlow was very worried but she told your mom that you were sleeping over at her house." He says, "You passed out right when I came in."

"Oh" was all I could say.

"Thank you for... taking care of me" I look at him. He looks at me. We were both looking at each other. His eyes looked at my lips then flickered back to my eyes.

"I should get going" He stood up, "You should get rest before you leave."

"Uh, yeah." I lay back down and put the covers over me. What the hell just happened?
We parked at my driveway. I take my bag and get out the car.

"Thank you again" I say to him.

"No problem, Cupcake" He smiles. I shake my head, "Estella" He grabs my hand and pulls me back in. He takes my neck and kisses me. But this time, I didn't pull back. I kissed back. He moves his hands to my cheek. I pull away.

"I'll see you later" I say quickly and shut the door.

I walk up to my porch and go inside the house.

"Where were you?" I look up quickly.

"Liam" I say.

"No dip. Where were you?"

"I was at uh Harlow's house. I slept over."

"Who brung you here?"

"Harlow." I say to him. His arms were crossed.

"You look sus"

"And you look ugly" I reply and start running up to my room.

I shut the door quickly, trying to process what happened in the car. I just kissed Ethan Dolan.
It was the next day. I skipped school. I woke up feeling nocuous, then puked in the bathroom. My dad came running in and pulled my hair back. He said that I can stay home for now.

"101" The doctors says, taking the thermometer out of my mouth, "Just a small fever." The doctor takes out a pen and starts writing on the clipboard, "I'm just going to ask you a few questions if you don't mind?" I nod my head in response.

"Are you sexually active?"  He asks me. I widen my eyes and look at my dad.

"No" I respond

"Do you do drugs?" He asks a different question.

"No" Lie.

"Did you drink alcohol this past week?"

"No" Lie again.

"Okay. Nothin too extra. Just keep her hydrated and always feed her" The doctor exits the room.
Ethan's POV

I didn't see Estella today. I didn't want to ask Liam because then he will think I'm suspicious.

All of us were going to Liam's house again. We just won another game and he invited us for victory dinner.

We walked into their huge house and put our stuff down. On the counter was loads of pizza.

"Hey Ethan" Someone says next to me. I look up and see Liam holding a plate with pizza and water.


"Can you bring this up to my sister? She's sick."

"Why can't you do it?" I ask him.

"I don't want to catch a case" He says in defense. I sigh while Liam hands me the plate and water.

"Where's her room?" I knew where her room was.

"You'll see it. It has her name right on the door." He replies. I nod and walk up the stairs.

I knock on the door but she doesn't reply. I open it slowly and see her sleeping. She looked... peaceful. Snap out of it Ethan. I walk up to her bed and set the plate and cup down. I tap her lightly. All she does is groan.

"Go away Liam" she manages to say, her voice was raspy too.

"It's not Liam" I say to her. Her eyes open slowly. Her eyes widen once she sees me.

"What are you doing here?" She gets up on her bed.

"We won our game and Liam invited us here. He wanted me to bring you food cause he didn't want to be sick."

"Oh" is all she could say, "Thanks"

"Estella" I say to her. She looks up at me, "Are we going to talk about what happened in the car?" I say, my voice trailing off. She stays silent for a bit.

"What's there to talk about?"

"You kissed back—" She cuts me off.

"You should go—"

"No" I say sternly, "People who kiss back means they like them. It's clear that I like you, Estella. Your making things complicated..."

"I'm making things complicated?" She points to herself, "Listen. I may have kissed you back but that doesn't mean we're together."

"I know that"

"So don't make things complicated." She says to me.

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