Part 2

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"Why are you so late you bastards!"

The Beta cuffs us both on the heads, but refrains from going further because we'll be with other packs later and our pack must maintain their 'perfect' image. That bastard.

We climb into the back of the van. There is not enough room for both me and Hyun-tae and the Beta knew it. I lower my head and scowl, and sit inbetween Hyun-tae's legs as there wasn't room for us to sit side by side. Hyun-tae shifts slightly, as if he was uncomfortable, but pulls me closer to his chest as the Beta closes the back of the van, enclosing us both in the small, dark space. Shit.

I can't cope being in here for too long. Ever since the accident I've had a slight fear of enclosed spaces, and the back of the van was too much. My head spins, and I grip onto Hyun-tae's arm as hard as I could, breathing heavily. I could feel the walls falling onto me, and my chest becomes tighter. I can't take it any longer. I feel a warm breath by my ear, and Hyun-tae'a soothing voice is loud in my pacing mind.

"Shhh. Calm down. Take a deep breath in"

I try. But the panic gets too me. Hyun-tae takes my hand and places it onto his chest, which is rising and falling in a steady pace.

"Here. Feel me breathing in and out"

I nod.

"Try and breath with me, a deep breath in and a deep breath out"

I try and steady my breathing to Hyun-tae's pace. My heart pounds in my chest, as I melt into his arms and fall asleep. As the Beta openes the back of the van, I squint as the harsh afternoon sun glares at me. It seemed as if we had reached our destination. The Choosing Ceremony.

"Wake up you assholes." He says. He sees us with our arms wrapped around each other.

"Save that shit for later. Get out"

We quickly scramble out of the back of the van. Stepping onto the wet grass, I quickly hold onto Hyun-tae's hand, slightly intimidated by the amount of males and the aura of dominance in the air. I am sick and tired of feeling submissive. Why did I, of all werewolves, have to be a omega. Life sucks when you're at the bottom.

Hyun-tae squeezes my hand reassuringly, and looks into my eyes for a second. In that one glance, I can see how vulnerable and scared he is. I guess by the pitying look on his face, he can see the same in my eyes.

"So, should we get to the Hall" he says.

"Yeah. That would be a good idea."

"Ok. Then"

Our voices sounded so flat, and we didn't have the effort to pretend to be happy anymore. He smiled at me reassuringly, and still holding my hand, led me through the crowd. He stops periodically to look at the signs, showing which direction to go to. I keep getting shoved and pushed by others, sometimes falling onto the ground and being trample don, but Hyun-tae always picks me up and checks to see if I'm okay, and I'm grateful for that.

"Hey, watch it Omega."

A male knocks me to the ground, and steps on my stomach and hair, not caring if I'm hurt or not. I'm worth nothing to those bastards, and I'm nothing but a plaything, something to mess about with, and dispose of once I'm not fun anymore. It infuriates me that I'll never be more, and I can never be anything else apart from a little Omega.

I turn and reach for Hyun-tae's hand. But I can't find it. He must have lost me in this crowd of people. I panic for a second, knowing that I'm basically dead without him. Being an Omega in a crowd of hormonal werewolves in not something high up on my to do list.

I take a deep breath in. I will find my way to the Hall. Just follow everyone else right? They all must be going to the same place. I get up, dust off my clothes and just keep walking. I must get somewhere at least. After 20 minutes of walking, I end up in an empty field, with nothing but a few trees and some drunk males, who are setting fire to something. I have no idea where I am, and I know approaching some drunk males is probably something you do in a worst case scenario, and this is a worst case scenario.

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