Part 8

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I retreat slowly, my gaze locked with the furious wolf in front of me. Saliva drips from his lips, pushed back in a snarl, revealing ivory incisors that could rip me apart with ease. With his ears pricked upwards, he takes careful steps forward, and with each step he growls, the guttural sound slicing through the silence of the night. Eventually, I'm pressed up against the rough bark of a tree, and with the wolf on one side, and a looming oak behind me, I have no way to escape. Shit. I don't want to die yet.

Wait. In the corner of my eye, I glimpse a dart of white in between the foliage, too fast for me to distinguish what it is. The snowy color is bright against the background of dark green, but I still can't see what it is. The white moves around the clearing, coming closer to the side where the wolf and I are.

My eyes follow the white, and seeing my attention diverted, the wolf follows my gaze. He turns slowly, and at that moment, a pure white wolf stalks out from behind the bush next to me, and stands protectively in front of me. Hyun-tae. I breathe a sigh of relief. Where has that little fucker been? Turning back, the wolf stares at Hyun-Tae with distain, as if he isn't even worth his attention. But the wolf still locks eyes with him, challenging Hyun-Tae to fight.

Hackles raised, Hyun-Tae growls, accepting the challenge. The two males circle each other, eyes trained on every movement. Hyun-Tae makes the first move, darting forwards and snapping at the wolf's neck, but misses, and receives a snap in return, which doesn't miss. Matting his white fur, blood starts to drip from the wound on Hyun-Tae's belly, but he doesn't back down. Swiping at the currently unbothered black wolf, Hyun-Tae's claws rake across his back, leaving long, deep claw marks, but each heal almost as fast as they were inflicted.

The black wolf growls in indignation, and turns to face Hyun-Tae. Leaping through the air, the wolf lands on the shocked Hyun-Tae, pinning him to the ground. Jaws open, poised over Hyun-Tae's neck, the wolf bends down to rip out the windpipe, but before he does I do something really stupid. I sink my teeth into the wolf's back, and he lifts his head up, slightly shocked. Peering around, he seems me ripping flesh from his back, and turns back to Hyun-Tae, unbothered. What the actual fuck? How can someone not care that much? I am literally ripping chucks of meat out of his back and he just goes back to killing my best friend?

Well then, I guess I'll have to cause more permanent damage to this bastard. Climbing up onto his back, my claws piercing little holes into his flesh, I open my jaws up, and place them around his neck. The wolf freezes, just moments away from tearing Hyun-Tae's neck from his body. If he makes one wrong move now, I could end his life with one bite.
He backs away slowly from Hyun-Tae, and lies on the ground, his ears pressed flat against his head. The black wolf has fucking submitted to me. He submitted to me.

Growling, I step off the wolf's body, and run back to Hyun-Tae, who is stumbling to his feet. I gently nudge Hyun-Tae, indicating that we should hurry up. Dazed, the wolf is staring at the wounds on his back in disbelief, as if he couldn't imagine someone hurting him. But guess what bastard. This bitch did. He seems distracted enough for us to run, and run we do.

Limping slightly, Hyun-Tae runs beside me, and we sprint in between the trees and shrubs, going as fuck as we fucking can to get away from this bastard. Finally, we reach the clearing where we first congregated at the start of this evening, before we Shifted. But there someone was already there. The black fucking wolf. Can't he just leave us alone? And how fast did he get here? Sitting in the middle of the clearing, the wolf's eyes are closed, and his breath steams around his muzzle in the cold night air. It almost seems like he's meditating. He arches his back, now healed completely, and stretches, lying onto the wet ground.

Shit. If we disturb his yoga session, we're dead meat. This meant we had to stay quiet. Which meant not Shifting, because the cracking of bones as we Shift is not exactly the quietest thing in the world. So we waited. For a fucking long time. Just starting to rise above the trees, the sun reaches up towards the brightening sky, the warm light filtered by the branches. Finally, the wolf slowly opens one eye, yawns, and shakes his head as he stands. Padding over to a tree, he drags out his clothes, and sets them in the centre of the clearing. It seems like he's going to Shift in the view of anyone who walks by. I mean I have nothing against being naked in front of strangers, but it's not something I would suggest.

In the almost silent sunrise, the cracking of his bones as he Shifted was painfully loud, and echoed through the empty space. Retracting back into his paws, his claws turn into fingernails, his fur disappearing, revealing human skin. Stretching out beneath him, his hind legs become human sized, his other pair of legs turning into arms. The wolf's muzzle and teeth shrinks, and with a final crack of bones, the wolf has reverted to a man.

And that man, standing in the middle of the clearing, was Alpha Min Yoongi.

I know this chapter isn't that long, but I've finally figured out a plot line (I didn't have one before, I was writing blindly).

I am trying to steer away from that cliche alpha abuses girl, but girl still falls for him plot line. That's why I did most of the fighting in wolf form, because wolves are usually more fighty (I know that's not a word). Also the Alpha submitted to Tae Mi. So don't expect Yoongi to be abusing Tae Mi and doing all that other shit (that sort of happens in the first couple of chapters, but I swear it's going to change).

Unfortunately, because of my other book I'm writing (at the same time as this, and can I tell you, it's a shit ton of work) I will probably publishing every 4-5 days, but definitely once a week.

By the way, READ MY NEW BOOK, V is for Vendetta.

 Edit: V is for Vendetta is now deleted because writing two books at the same time is a shitload of work

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Edit: V is for Vendetta is now deleted because writing two books at the same time is a shitload of work.

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