Part 11

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My mum chokes on her ramen, and starts coughing loudly.

"You what?"

"I found my mate. But he can't be right? But he must be lying. Because there is no way-"

Looking at me sympathetically, my mum places her hand on my arm, and I stop blabbering on.

"Honey, why do you thinks he's lying?"

"He tried to kill me and Hyun Tae?"


My mum looks at me, outraged. She stands up off her chair, as if she was going to go to Alpha Min Yoongi himself and fight him. That is something I would like to see.

"Who is this man? I will-"

"Mum, he's Alpha Min Yoongi."

Slipping back into her chair, my mother sits, instantly subdued by the mention of his name. Alpha Min Yoongi's reputation of being brutal and violent, as well as merciless, was a well circulated fact. No one wanted to get in his way, and everyone was frightened of him to some extent.

"Well still. I could beat him within an inch of death for trying to kill you. But carry on, is he your mate?"

The most frustrating thing was, I didn't know. As much as I don't want him to be my mate, and as much as I denied it, a small part of me knew it was true. His scent and touch made me feel so calm and at peace, and made me want to never leave his side.

And this is what I hated. To be submissive and bullied your entire life, and then to be told that you would have to submit to another, was too much. I wanted to be free, not tied down to someone I barely knew. And someone who tried to kill me. Let's not forget that.


I didn't know what to say. I breathe in, and make my mind up, coming to a decision I know I would dread.

"I think he is. I think Alpha Min Yoongi is my mate."

My mum beams at me, her smile brightening the room. Pulling me into an embrace, my mum hugs me, and I melt into her. She, and Hyun-Tae were probably the only people I could trust, but even I felt apprehensive about sharing what I really thought.

"Honey, when I first met your father, I refused to believe he was my mate. I refused to believe that I would have to stay with him my whole life, that I would be stuck with him forever. But eventually, I learned to love him, and we were happy together. But I regret ignoring the fact that we were mates, and that he was the perfect match for me. So if you can, please accept your mate. But don't feel like you are oblidged, because you should never feel that way. This decision is yours, and yours only, and if anyone tries to force you, tell me. And then I will beat their ass."


She smiles at me, and continues talking.

"You know, that's the one thing that made me fall in love with your father. He let me make my decision, and didn't persuade me to do something I didn't want to. Your father was a great man."

My mum looks off in the distance, starry eyed, in her mind reliving treasured moments will my father. After a moment, she returns back to reality, and smiles down at me, kissing my forehead.

"I will always be here for you. But if Alpha Min Yoongi is your mate, give him another chance. I gave your father a second one. It might seem like Alpha Min Yoongi tried to kill you, but it must have been his wolf. And you must have gotten him really angry if he wanted to hurt is mate."

She squeezes my nose, and looks down fondly at me.

"Mum, he said he would send someone for me tomorrow, but I'm not sure if I want to go. I don't even know him for God's sake, and I don't want to stay in a strangers house."

Chuckling, my mum stands up, picking the ramen bowls from the table.

"Just try, give it a week. You won't fall in love straight away. Even if you are mates, you have to work on your connection. Love isn't instantaneous, it takes time and work."

And with that, she walks into the kitchen, leaving me at the table alone with my thoughts. Of course I didn't want to stay with that bastard. He tried to fucking kill me. But it just have been his wolf right? And, even though I know she wouldn't mind that much, my mother would be slightly disappointed if I gave up on my mate. After all, she lost hers and has never fully recovered since.

Should I give it a try? For my mum's sake at least? Standing up and walking up the stairs to my room, I make my decision, and I'm not sure if I like it or not.

How was this chapter?

I know it's a bit short, but next chapter will be coming quite soon, I promise!


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