Part 21

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"Hey Taemi."

Namjoon glances up quickly at me, then focuses back on to his game, shoulders hunched in tension. He was losing badly to Jungkook, who was lying languidly on the couch, holding a controller with one hand, and shoving crisps into his mouth with the other.

"What you playing?"

"Mario Cart."

I scoff at him.

"Isn't that game supposed to be easy?"

Namjoon looks at me, eyebrow raised.

"Says who?"

I glare at him, and snatch the controller from his hands.

"I'll win against Jungkook...this is going to be easy."

A couple of broken controllers, six cans of energy drinks, and a smug Namjoon later, I still hadn't won against Jungkook, who's still in be same position as before.

"Jungkook, go easy on her."

I glare at Namjoon.


Jungkook knocks into me from behind, spinning me off the track.


Jungkook smirks, takes a handful of crisps out of the packet, and crosses the finish line, ending the game.


"I've won."

"Let's say draw."

Jungkook just sighs, and puts down the controller, walking to the door.

"Whatever makes you happy... but i'm the real winner here." And he sprints out of the room, with me in hot pursuit.


I sprint after him, skidding on the wooden floor from my socks, my arms in front of me to grab him and teach him a lesson. His stupidly fast legs carried him further than i thought, and i smashed right into another person coming down the hallway. Jungkook smirks at me from a distance, but he looks up and sees who I bumped into, sprinting down the corridor once again, leaving me alone.

Slowly, I look up, and immediately look down when I see the look on the person's face.

"Kim Tae Mi."

I'm screwed.

"I told you to stay with Namjoon."

Should have stayed with Namjoon.

"Instead you're racing around the pack house like a five year old."

I mean, he's not wrong.

"Can I not let you out of my sight for 5 minutes."

Actually, that was two hours.

"Are you even listening to me?"

Changing my gaze from the floor to Yoongi's burning eyes, I regret my decision immediately. Yoongi looks really pissed. Even more than usual.

"Yes, I'm listening."

Yoongi takes a deep breath, closes his eyes, and seems to count to ten, and when he opens them again, they're back to their usual dark hazel colour.

"Don't do that again."

"Why not?"

Yoongi's eyes flare again.

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