Part 6

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I stumble into the forest clearing. Twigs adorn my hair, and my dress is grass-stained, muddy, bloody and there is barely a patch of white left on it; I look like shit.

The other werewolves part around me in alarm as I collapse onto all fours, clutching my stomach as it bleeds profusely. Well, fuck. I'm going to die. I put my hands to my face, and see the dark red that coats it, shuddering a little at the sight.

I start to think that no ones going to help me, when I feel someone tug my arm upward, carefully grabbing onto my waist, helping me to stand up. Looking up, i blink, the dark night meaning I can't see the person clearly. The person's head moves a little to the side, and allows the glowing moon to illuminate Hyun-Tae's worried face.

"Are you okay?" He whispers to me.

He looks alarmed at the sight of blood dripping out of my bandages. I mean if he wasn't I'd be worried. I nod,then shake my head. I'm not okay. I need to shift to wolf form quickly; in wolf form I can heal faster than in human form. Taking my arm, he guides me over to were my pack stands, and boy do they look happy to see me.

My Alpha's face is contorted with rage, his skin the colour of beetroot.

"Wait till we get back to the pack territory" he says.

Ah fuck. He's going to beat the shit out of me. Not that he needs to. I've already been beaten up today.

He glares at me, and I'm forced to whimper and keep my eyes down, lowering my head. You know what. Fuck this submission bullshit. I raise my eyes, and glare at him with a defiant stare. His eyes widen and bulge slightly, his face turns to a darker purple and veins pop out on his temple. Not a pretty sight.

A hand places itself on my shoulder, and I'm about to pull it off until I realize it's Hyun-Tae.

"We should go."

He puts his hand on my shoulder, and I allow myself to be lead to the back of our pack, scowling the whole time. I keep my head held low, for Hyun-tae's sake, because right now he's glaring at everyone who stares at me. Observing my surroundings, I see a raised platform in the middle of the clearing, towering over everyone. And on that platform stands the devil himself. Alpha Min Yoongi.

He's glares at me with a ferocious intensity, making me regret my very existence. Thank the Moon Goddess he doesn't do anything. He stays put on the stage, but keeps glancing in my direction every couple of minutes.

"Packs, this day is a momentous day in the history of our kind. Today is the day we choose our mates that the moon goddess has set out for us. And this tradition of finding them in these very woods is one that shall be honoured"

His powerful voice echoes through the trees.

"So, when the moon rises to the highest peak, we all shall Shift, and set out to find our mate. And, with that in mind, May the Choosing Ceremony begin"

He climbs off the stage, and takes one last look in my direction, staring into my eyes, before running into the shadows of the woods. Everyone else follows suit.

I find a suitable tree, and strip off my clothes, tucking them into a hollow of the tree. If i didnt put my clothes into the tree, they would rip when I Shift, and then when I return back to human form, I won't have any clothes, which would suck.

I stand, naked, watching the moon rise to the centre of the sky. I shudder as I feel my bones cracking, remoulding into a wolves. My body contorts and cracks as I finally reach the form of a wolf. Laying on the ground for a minute, I pant as my wolf form quickly heals the wounds. As soon as I'm sure they have all healed, I stand tentively.

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