Part 13

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I feel a tugging on my arm, and I look down to see this small human clinging to the sleeve of my sweater.

"Hi! Are you our Luna?"

I don't speak, mainly because I don't know the answer. I mean, I'm not their Luna right? I can't be. I haven't accepted Alpha Min Yoongi yet. A middle aged woman, perhaps his mother, scolds him and shoos him away. Smiling at her gratefully, I extend my hand out to greet her. She looks at my outstretched hand and ignores it, walking away to a group of gossiping woman. Awkward. Dropping my hand, I look around and see the entire pack is staring at me like I'm some sort of alien.

This attention is starting to be slightly irritating, as well as awkward, so I decide to go inside through the glass door. That way nobody would be staring at me for an uncomfortably long time.

Walking through the door, I enter a giant lounge, filled with armchairs, TVs and game consoles. Picking my way through the various electronic devices on the floor, I go through a door to a huge entrance hallway. Hearing voices down a corridor, I decide to follow the sound, like the idiotic person I am. I really shouldn't, because most characters in horror movies die that way, but I can't help being curious.

Walking as quietly as possible down the hallway, I stop outside a half open door. Peering inside, I catch sight of Alpha Min Yoongi, who's standing in a dimly lit room. Medical tools and jars full of floating objects litter the surfaces, and a dark substance is splashed against the walls. Hands in his pockets, and head held low, the Alpha looks uncomfortable in his surroundings.

"How long will it take?" asks Alpha Min Yoongi.

"I don't know. They are complex creatures. It will take time."

The voice sounds strangely familiar, but I brush it off.

"But you need to complete the procedure soon."

Alpha Min Yoongi looks agitated, and drops his tone to a whisper. I can't hear the conversation, so I lean closer to the gap.


Shit. Falling through the doorway, I land on the concrete floor, my head slamming against the cold, hard ground. I groan, and hold my head in my hands. Fuck gravity.

"Who are you? Why are you here? This is strictly out of bounds and you-"

He stops halfway through his scolding, and kneels down to my level.


Before I could protest, he picks me up and carries me out of the room. Covering my eyes with his hand, Alpha Min Yoongi prevents me from looking at the room and it's contents. Must be some sort of freaky sex dungeon or something if he doesn't want me to see that badly.

"Why were you eavesdropping?" He asks.

Shit. He guessed what I was doing. Well I suppose it was quite obvious. Normal people wouldn't fall through a doorway in an out of bounds area, unless they were doing something sketchy.

"I was bored."

He rolls his eyes.

"Right, because eavesdropping is the most appropriate thing to do when you're bored."

I don't answer. Sighing, he finally puts me down on a chaise lounge in the middle of a very expensive looking room. Drapes hang beside windows that showcase amazing views of the forest, and armchairs and ottomans are footed around the large room. Head still spinning, I struggle to sit up, but Alpha Min Yoongi gently pushes me back down onto the soft fabric.

"I don't want to sit here. Let me go to the gardens or walk around the house for a bit."

"What, and let you eavesdrop on another conversation?"

I look down to my lap, fidgeting with my fingers.

"It wasn't intentional."

"Whatever you say."

Glaring at him, I try to intimidate the Alpha, but I gulp when he returns my gaze with cold hard eyes.

"It's getting late. I'll get a female to organise your sleeping arrangements."

That's the best idea he has today.

"Would you like to sleep with me?"

Wait. What the actual fuck.


I stare at him in disbelief. Is he asking me to fuck him?"

"Wait. No... I mean." He blushes. "Do you want to sleep in the same bed as me? Not in that way though."

There is no way that I will sleep in the same bed as him. Especially since I've only properly met him today.

"Is there another option?"

"You could sleep in your own room."

"I think I would prefer that option."

He nods, and I can tell he's slightly hurt. Turning to the door, he steps out silently, jaw clenched. As soon as he steps out, a female walks in, bowing at me.

"Luna, your room is ready."

How did she get my room ready this fast? And why is she calling me Luna? I am definitely not this pack's Luna.

"Please, Don't call me Luna. I haven't even accepted Alpha Min Yoongi."

Her eyes widen slightly, clearly shocked.

"Ok ma'am. If you are ready, I will take you to your room."

I nod, and she gestures with her hand for me to follow her. Getting up from the chaise lounge, I follow her to a room opposite this one.

"Luna, if you would like to shower and get changed before dinner with the Alpha, the bathroom is in the second room, and there is a dress in the dressing room."

Second room? Dressing room? All I needed was a bed. I thanked the woman gratefully, and I stepped into the room. Oh Moon Goddess. The room was gigantic, with floor to ceiling windows where the orange sunset light spilled through. The 'first room' was a lounge sort of area, and I walked through another door to come to a ridiculously large bedroom. The bed was high up off the floor, with pillows stacked up against a velvet headboard. There was a dressing room to the side, and a bathroom big enough for five people. Was I supposed to stay in here?

I was used to a small house at the edge of the pack, with one bathroom, two small rooms, and two downstairs rooms. This entire 'bedroom' was probably the size of my entire house. After taking a shower, and spending a couple of minutes trying to fix an ornament I accidentally knocked off a shelf, I realise I was supposed to be having dinner with Alpha Min Yoongi soon. Shit.

Scrambling up off the floor and knocking another vase off a table, I run towards the dressing room. I skid to a stop after spending 10 minutes trying to find the room. They should put up signs or something. Hanging alone on a clothes rack is a little black dress. A bit too little in my opinion, and a little bit too tight. The black silk showed everything. And I mean everything.

But I took a deep breath, and pushed away the thoughts of running back home out of my head. I can do that after eating the food. And, if I run away, there will be left over food, and it would be such a waste. Slipping on a pair of worryingly tall high heels, and fastening the clasp of a necklace, I walk out of the rooms, head held high, having no idea where I need to go.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Also, thank you to all my supportive readers who vote and comment on the book. I couldn't live without your support and love and I can't even describe how thankful I am. I love you guys so much and you make my day ~! ❤︎♥︎❤︎

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