Like Issa Raps In The Mirror.

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"Andre Summers is here, Ne

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"Andre Summers is here, Ne." Meghan said over the phone causing Jurnee to check the time.

"Are you sure he's ready to come in? He's an hour early."

"He looks stressed."

"Okay, send him up." Jurnee sighed. She knew something had to be wrong if he was this early and stressed.

She grabbed her clipboard and made sure to open her door. She sat in her chair that was placed in front of the seat where Andre would be sitting.

"Help me, please." he mumbled once he entered the room. He closed the door behind him and sat down rubbing his hands down his pants.

"I'm here to help you, Andre. Tell me what's going on, what has you on edge like this?"


"What did Krissy do, this time?" Jurnee hid her annoyance with the fact that Krissy always had him on edge like this.

"She keeps accusing me of cheating. I prove to her everyday that I'm not cheating on her. Work has me stressing the fuck out. One of my teens in O2 building just got locked up, I just had to handle that, then I had to come home to find out she bleached my clothes." he rubbed his hands down his face.

Jurnee could see that he was going to snap and that was going against everything that he wanted. Krissy was definitely in the wrong.

She needs her ass whooped.. Jurnee thought.

"And how did that make you feel?" she asked.

"I want to hurt her, but I wouldn't dare. I wasn't raised like that and my mother would kill me dead."

"Okay, I understand. Let's get those thoughts somewhere else. What do I always tell you?"

"Don't let the negative over power the positive." he mumbled making Jurnee smack her lips.

"I've never told you that saying like that. That was dry and lame. Try again, please."

He chuckled. "Yo, you playing."

"Yo, I'm serious." she mocked him making him laugh. "Say it how I would say it."

"And remember, don't let the negative over power the positive!" he said in a jolly tone making both of them laugh.

"That's more like it. Now some advice, talk to her, have a sit down. Her behavior has become very unacceptable and there is so much a person can take. Are you happy?"

"Honestly, I don't even know anymore at this point. It's not like it used to be." he sighed.

"Don't stay where you aren't happy, Andre. This can cause problems within yourself and your mental health is very important." she preached.

"You think I should let her go?"

"Do YOU think that you should let her go? You can't satisfy everybody."

He sighed again. "I feel like she's been causing the most stress to me."

"Then follow what you feel is best."

"I think I'm going to let her go."

"And I hope you the best with that, letting people go can be hard."

He nodded. "Yeah, I know. This was a quick session."

She nodded. "I agree, it was. New challenge, talk to yourself in the mirror like Issa raps in the mirror on Insecure."

He laughed. "Really?"

"Yes. Tell me how it goes when you see me  next week." she stood up putting the clipboard that she didn't even use down.

"Thank you so much, Ms Ali." he said opening his arms for a hug in which she gave him.

"You're welcome, Mr Summers. And remember, don't let the negative over power the positive!"

"I'm pretty sure I won't forget that." he laughed.

"Well, it wouldn't have been a true session if I didn't say it." she smiled walking him out the door.

Once he said goodbye to Meghan, he made his way to his mother house to do his daily check up on her.

Him and his mother were very close considering the fact that she was all he had. His father had pulled the 'I'm going to the store' and so he was left with his mom and his big brother, Smokey.

Smokey was currently serving a life sentence for accidentally choking a girl to death. A crazy story that was unfortunately true.

Smokey has been to jail before and that is what prompted Andre to start his business. Seeing how hard it was for Smokey to get a job. Basically his whole organization was built off Smokey's life.

Pulling up to his mother's house, he parked in the driveway. Using his key, he let himself into the house letting the smell of fried chicken hit his nose.

"Dre is that you?" she called out from the back.

"Yeah, ma." he said looking through the mail.

"Alright, here I come to make your plate." she said. Normally she would have the plate ready already so he knew that she wanted to have dinner with him.


While Andre has dinner with his mother, Jurnee was having drinks with Meghan.

"We off tomorrow, what's the plans?" Meg asked coming out the kitchen with food.

"I'm going to see my parents, then I'm going to sleep." Jurnee shrugged. She valued her sleep like she valued her life.

"You spend most of your life sleeping, NeNe."

"Hell, I be tired."

Jurnee and Meg had been friends since they were roommates. Meg was so fascinated with the fact that NeNe was 15 and in college.

NeNe was always there giving advice and helping Meg even when she had never been in the situation herself. And it helped.

"Maybe, instead of going to sleep, we can go to Rod's party since we work the next day evening." Meg said hoping she'd fall for it.

"No, all you do is party."

"And all you do is sleep. So you're going with me, find a man or something.

NeNe thought about it. "Okay, cool I'll go." she said making Meg do a happy dance. "Now pour me up some more wine, this shit smacks."

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