My Little Pony

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Rod shot the winning shot in the two vs two they were having at the O

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Rod shot the winning shot in the two vs two they were having at the O. "I'm the OG of this shit mane." he patted his chest.

"When they jump you, I'm gon' record before I help you." Dre laughed and Rod flipped him off.

"Meg without the stallion! What you doing here?" Tyson asked gaining a flip off from her.

"Shut yo short ass up!"

"Meg wassup?" Rod asked hugging her.

"Ight my birthday in three days and NeNe throwing me a party and I'm inviting y'all. So bring y'all ass."

"I'm there." Rod nodded.

"Well NeNe gon' be there so I know you coming. Tyson can't come because I might knock his ass out." she mugged him.

"I love you, my little pony." Tyson called out blowing her a kiss.

"Hold my shoes." she said taking her shoes off handing them to Dre as she chased Tyson out the gym.

"He called her ass my little pony." Rod snorkeled.

"Ew nigga, you snorkeling and shit. She need to come back and get her shoes."

"NeNe! Grab him!" Meg called out.

Tyson tried to swiftly run past her but she quickly grabbed him taking him to the ground and Meg ran over. They started jumping him while everybody watched and laughed.

"Rod! Dre! Help me!" Tyson screamed sounding like Kevin Hart.

"Nah, I'm not in it!" Rod laughed.

Dre put Meg's shoes on the floor before walking over grabbing NeNe and NeNe pulled Meg with her.

"Don't ever disrespect me like that again. You midget." Me jumped at him making him flinch.

"Okay, bae, I'm sorry." Tyson said opening his arms for a hug.

"Boy bye. And Andre I know you did not drop my new shoes on the floor." Meg said grabbing her shoes.

Dre laughed. "My bad. I had to stop y'all from beating up poor ole Tyson."

"Tyson know what he be getting himself into. He get beat up all the time." NeNe waved him off. "Now Meg let's go because our break damn near about to be over."

"Let's go." Meg said walking past her.

"You gon' text me?" Dre asked.

"Yeah. You getting a text right when I get off because I'm serious about taking you out." she smiled.

"Bet. I want to see where you taking us."

"It's a surprise." she sung like Ariana Grande before leaving out.
"I don't know why you got to sit in my face and tell me my problems like I already don't know them." Talia, Jurnee's new patient complained while pacing the room.

"Well actually, you tell me your problems and how they make you feel. Then it's my job to turn those negative emotions into positive ones."
Jurnee explained.

"Fuck all this. You just another bitch that wants to know my business just to talk about me behind my back to another bitch." Talia snapped.

Jurnee noted that.

"Who does this to you?"

"Everybody! They ass think they know me. They ass wanna be Talia Asia Murphy so bad but want to talk badly about me at the same time. Like come on na. You bitches mad weird."

Jurnee noted that.

"Explain 'bitches'. Tell me what they do."

"Mad at me because I fucked somebody! H e don't want none of they ass! All them bitches ran through. So when they started talking shit they ass started getting hit." she sat down.

"Where is this boy now?"

"He's still around and we fuck from time to time which is why they still mad and getting they asses beat." Talia shrugged.

"Okay. Going back to when you said that bitches want to be in your business, who knew that you and this boy had sex?" Jurnee asked.

"Marshanae. I thought that bald headed hoe was my friend. She was a snake. She made because she wanted his dick too."
After talking for another hour, Jurnee was able to give Talia answers and solutions. She even gave Talia a new challenge.

"End of the day!" Jurnee squealed. "One more person and I'm going my ass home."

"Ktissy Grams is here, Ne." Meg said over the phone.

"Let her up." Jurnee said putting Talia's notes in her folder before grabbing new notes for Krissy.

"Hi Krissy." Jurnee shook her hand.


"So take a seat. Basically, you tell me how you feel. Tell me anything and it stays between us unless you're planning on hurting yourself or others. I'd have to report you."

"All that is fine and all but I came hereto ask you what my boyfriend was telling you thast he couldn't tell me." she said making Jurnee frown.

She better the fuck not be Andre's Krissy.. Jurnee thought.

"Your boyfriend?"

"Andre Summers."

"Andre hasn't been my patient in little over a year. Still, I cannot tell you what happened in those sessions."

Krissy dropped her head and started crying making Jurnee roll her eyes.

"Why are you crying, Ms Grams?"

"Because I just want to know what's going on with him. He just got back and still won't talk to me."

"Okay. Ask him nicely and don't pressure him. That'll make him not want to tell you." Jurnee suggested while taking her own advice

Once she left work she called Dre because something didn't seem right.

"NeNe what's up?" he answered.

"Are you and Krissy back together?"

"Fuck no. Why you ask that?" he scrunched up his face.

"Because I don't want any problems with Clorox's best friend."

He chuckled. 'Jurnee I'm single you don't have to worry about that, where is this coming from?"

She sighed. "She's a patient so I can't tell you what happened. But think about it."

He rubbed his hand down his face. "Her crazy ass."

thank you for choosing my book i appreciate it!krissy ass🤦🏽‍♀️thoughts?comments?

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thank you for choosing my book
i appreciate it!
krissy ass🤦🏽‍♀️

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